Niall Horan. The new student. The famous so called 'humble' hot-shot who I find a competition scholarly is a complete asshole. But only I know.
He is so fake that he beats Barbie. Even she's jealous.
I had simple plans. Finish college and become a s...
Have you got no shame? You looking insane, turning up at my door. ~Anne-Marie and Marshmello
Your POV
It was Thursday, the day I was supposed to get the book back from Niall. Since our first or you can say last meet, he have had no interaction what so ever. He was always hanging around his jerk-jock friends while I and Less were happy in our own business.
Though he had winked at me twice while passing through the hallways. Every girl was jealous but I knew it was his way of teasing me that he had won that small petty fight in the library. I had just ignored him because I remember the 7Bs. You know, Books before boys because boys bring babies.
Halfway through the day, an announcement was made that I should be reported to the Principal's office. Everyone heard it and I was like super confused. That was what I was doing right now. I was so confused because it had never happened in the past years. And I don't remember any prank that could have been traced to me. Reaching, I knocked twice. After hearing a come in, I went and said, "Sir I was told to report here."
The Principal was an old man, but nevertheless wise. He had a broader outlook and always thought outside the box. Because of his great leading skills, we won the majority of inter college competitions.
"Have a seat, child. Just seconds ago your mother called. Your sisters were coming here to surprise you but the younger one collapsed after they landed. Your mother told me that right now they are in Hope-wale hospital. Although your sister is not severely affected and the problem was a general issue, your Mother requested a half day leave so that you can be with them and help them in the city. Here's your permission slip. You may go." He said, handing me a slip of paper.
I just nodded and made my way to the hospital. It was a lot to take in. I loved my sisters very much, they meant everything to me, more than my parents. They understood and supported my music dream. The one that was in the hospital was my younger sister, Luna. She was a mere 8 year old and even though I was told that the problem was minor, I was worried beyond words.
I reached the hospital soon, and made my way to their room after a talk with the receptionist. I found my elder sister, Charlie outside and ran and hugged her. She was startled but then she hugged back. It had been almost a year since we last met.
Quickly I asked with anxiety, "What happened to Luna?" She gave me a weak smile and said that it was a case of food poisoning. Although food poisoning was not serious, this case was of a major allergic reaction. That is why this case was serious. The doctor had injected Epinephrine (adrenaline), and she was gonna be okay. She turned out to be allergic to shellfish, the doctor told. He told we can feed her anything for the time being but should exclude shellfish, as everyrhing is back to normal. She was soon released and after a quick hug I took them both to my home.
Basically we ordered Pizza, and crashed on the couch watching Descendants 2 since Luna was a big fan. I did not return to school because: 1. I wanted to stay with my sister's and, 2. College was nearly over.
As the movie ended we noticed that Charlie was sleeping lightly. Luna and I silently giggled and then I took her to my room ever so slightly because Charlie was a light sleeper and even the slightest of noise would wake her up. Tucking her in, I went inside the bathroom and changed into something light. When I came back I saw that Luna was still awake.
"Hey Boo, you gotta sleep, you must be tired." I said. "I want to but I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!" She exclaimed. "Okay Miss Melodrama, you gotta stop with those Frozen lines and sleep." I said smiling. "Ummm, Maybe you can sing for me." "I haven't sung to you in forever." I tried to reason but her puppy-dog eyes changed my decision.
Grabbing my guitar from the corner of my room, I began singing her favourite song, 'Something Just Like This'. Even though I hated boys, this song was really nice, Maybe because it connected me and Luna. She believed in Fairy tales and all, while I was the rebel kid of my house.
As soon as I reached half-way, I realised she had already fallen asleep and I slowly kept my guitar in the corner and turned around.
Only for my smile to drop. And to find The Flirt smiling like a fool in the doorway. I didn't want to wake up Luna, so I glared and advanced towards him. When I reached him, I closed the door and flung at him like a jaguar. "What are you doing in my house? How long have been standing there? Who gave you my address? How did you even enter? Do you-" He cut me mid way and said, "Calm down Chilly, I came by to give the book. I am standing here since you started singing. Your best friend did. I would have given her the book but she suggested I do, and I didn't have anything better to do. And as for the part how I entered, a really beautiful woman opened the door after I knocked and when I stated my purpose, she gave me directions to your room. You done?"
I was so angry at Less. She's such a pain in the Ass. Why won't she quit her matchmaking part time job? And Why did he even come? Won't he be benefited if he kept it for one more Day. Realizing I had not talked for 2 minutes I snapped outta my trance, only to find him smirking. Gosh, he must be thinking I was staring at him.
Immature boys.
"Why did you even return It? You could have kept it for another day." I said making my way downstairs with him following closely behind like a dog. 😂
"See Chilly, you may find me an asshole, but trust me when I say I'm a man of my word." He replied to me with a sheepish smile. "Why are you calling me Chilly?" I asked annoyed. "Because you have a somewhat contradicting personality. You are quite tempered and hot headed like chillies but I know you are quite cool too since you hang around that girl Alessia. You can sing, and I saw your paintings and well you listen to Coldplay, hence the name Chilly. Cool and hot."
Was he serious? So much thought in a nickname? Well I didn't care.
Leading him out of the door, with a fake smile, I was about to close the door when Charlie said, "Where are your manners, (Y/n)? Do Thank him. Would you like something to drink?" 'Please say no.' I prayed. "I would love to but I have to go home and work on today's homework. Thanks for the offer." He gave a smile to Charlie, which looked real. He looked at me, more like stared and the I realised he was waiting for his 'Thank You'. Again I have a sickly sweet smile, and said, "Thanks, Dumbass." While slamming the door shut on his face.
Your Outfit at home:
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Hey cookies, this was the second chapter. My school starts tomorrow and I'm so damn worried. I'll try to update regularly but no promises. Till the next update enjoy this chap and leave your reviews! Do vote, comment and share.