~~Chapter Three~~

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I woke up to a lot of noise in the kitchen. I get up from the couch and go check it out. I walk into a huge mess. "what the hell?!"  he turns around and looks at me scared again.. he tries to say something but im not gonna hear it. for some reason today im not a morning person. "what are you doing? why couldn't you wait?! now I've got to clean up every fucking thing!!" he sits down and pulls his knees to his chest and the tears start streaming down his face. "no please I.. ugh I didn't mean that im sorry im just not in the best of moods this morning.. how about I make some breakfast and then ill clean up the kitchen. how bout that?" he looks up at me. he's still crying " b-b-brea-k f-f-f-as-s-s-t-t?" I smiled at him and nodded yes. I grabbed the pancake mix and the eggs and milk and got started.

I was almost done with the pancakes as I looked down and saw they were all gone. I looked around and saw what's his name turned around. I went in front of him and his hands flew behind his back and he stopped chewing as I looked at him. I started to smile as he went to talk and everything fell out and his face fell as it all hit the floor. I.couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. and that seemed to make him mad. I didn't pay any attention as he went to the bowl and grabbed pancake batter and threw it at me. I stood there in shock as he laughed. and it wasn't like any laugh I've heard before. of was a pure innocent laugh. like someone that hasn't laughed for a while would laugh.

while he was on his own little world of a laughing fit. I grabbed about three eggs and broke them on him. he gasped and picked up the rest of the the batter in the bowl. "no don't you dare do that." he gave me a smile and threw it at me. "good.. ohmygosh!!" I just picked up the flour and threw it at him. while he was shocked I turned the stove off. he picked up the milk and threw it on me with a laugh after i looked at him. ''well uhm.. we should probably get you in the shower yeah? you pretty much ate everything ive made.. and im not really hungry.." he just smiled at me. i think his stomach hurt to bad to continue. "c'mon ill get the shower started for you." he just nodded and followed me to the bathroom. when we got there i started running the water and he let his ears poke up out of his gross hair from our little food fight and looked around my shoulder to see what i was doing. when i turned the shower on i started to turn around and let him shower but he started to follow me. "no mate, you gotta stay in here and shower." he scrunched his eyebrows together and just looked at me. "look man... just strip down and get in." he still looked at me.. 'how am i supposed to do this?' i started walking back into the bathroom and looked to see if he followed. he did luckily. "alright so we know how to take off our pants so lets do that." he just nodded and dropped his drawers. i took my jeans off and my shirt. alright so.. until we get this... we'll just go in like this okay?" he nodded again and stepped into the shower with me. when we got inside he let out whimpers and  groans of disaprovaul. "whats wrong mate?" he pointed to his ears. "oh oh oh! alright here switch me spots. ill get the water to stop getting in and on your ears." when we moved over he shook his head and all the water in his hair and his ears went everywhere. he looked at me and smiled at me, i grabbed the shampoo and started to work it  through his hair. he closed his eyes and had a huge smile on his face. i could have sworn i saw something moving in his boxers. i looked around and saw something blonde moving around, around the edge of the back of his boxers. "hey mate? is there... is there a uh tail back there?" he turned around and looked and nodded yes. i just nodded and turned around for a cup to wash out his hair. i covered his eyes and he growled at me. GROWLED at me.. like really? "its so soap doesnt get into your eyes mte." he stopped but didnt look happy. i grabbed the conditioner and started to massage it into his scalp. he started to wag his tail even harder and it started to hit the shower curtain and started opening it. he opened his eyes and got ready for the rinse. he put his hands over his eyes. i rinsed his hair and started to wash mine and my body. he grabbed the soap and started to was my back. i turned around to look at him and he smiled and started to wag his tail again. i went to help him with his back and tail but he acted like he didnt know what he was doing with the front of his body. so i started to rub him down with soap and worked it all the way down to his abs. i couldnt help but satre and rub my hands down there a little longer than needed. he didnt seem to mind but i got done and we hurried through the rest of the shower. when we got out i got him some new boxers after being sure he knew how to put those on. i gave him some more sweat pants and put grease on in the living room. i went into the kitchen and sighed.

i got a rag and some cleaner and started to clean up the floor. i stood up and saw who im gonna call Ni, standing there watching me. "hey Ni... whatcha doin?" he just stood there with a crooked grin and shrugged at me. "wanna help?" he hesitated and nodded before stepping into the kitchen. i handed him the rag and started to clean  the stove. he was cleaning off the cabinets when i looked at him. he was concentrating really hard on something. "Ni.. you alright? your concentrating on cleaning that counter for a while and pretty hard at that.." he looked at me and was trying to say something really bad. "M-m-m-m-y-y-y n-n-na-a-a-m-m-me i-i-i-is n-n-nia-ni-niall." i looked at him in complete shock. my jaw dropped and i stopped everything. i just looked at him and he was smiling. his tail was wagging. "niall.. that was.. wow.. good job Niall!!" he walked over to me and to say i was surprised would be an understatement. he came up and wrapped his arms around me. i just looked at him with shock all over my face. he was still happy as he let go and started to clean happily again. 

"hey Niall.. ik youve just spoke and everything but can i ask you where you came from?" i asked easily. he stopped and turned to look at me. he shook his head no and walked off. the kitchen wasnt done but i went after him. i found him in my bed crying silently. "Niall i didnt mean-" "n-n-no... j-ju-j-just ..... n-n-n-no" he looked away from me as i crawled into the bed with him and hesitently wrapped my arms around him as he cried. he tried to resist. but i kept my grip on him. he cried louder and tried to get away again. he didnt stop until i ran m fingers through his hair to calm him down. he stopped struggling and stopped crieing.

i could hear his breathing start to even out and little snores started to escape his mouth. i easily got out of the bed and finished the kitchen. when i was finished i made sure the doors were locked before i started to make my bed on the couch again. i was almost asleep when i heard sniffles through the living and what sounded like somebody softly crieng. "Lo-lou-louis?" i got up and went over to niall. "im right here Ni.. lets go to bed ill stay with you this time." he just nodded a we layed back down and he crawled back into my arms. i was drifting off to sleep when i remembered i had work in the morning and was wondering what i was gonna do with niall..

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