~~Chapter six~~

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Nialls POV

I sat in the bathroom for a minute wondering about the dream. why would I think of Louis like that? he's never done anything like that to me. and he set me on the counter but didn't ask me all that in a sexual way or have his hand between my legs that close. "Niall mate you okay? im sorry for waking you up. can you let me in please?" I didn't want to tell him no but I took off my boxers and had that weird feeling again. and my thingy majig was feeling weird again to.I figured I'd let him in anyways. "s-sorry l-lou" he looked at me for a moment before looking at the rest of me. he realized I didn't have anything on and covered his eyes. "look Ni if your gonna be naked warn me next time please.?" I nodded and grabbed my boxers but Louis stopped me. "wait since your already... ya know.. undressed why don't you take a shower?" I thought for a minute before awnsering. "n-need h-help." I've already talked dirty to him and I kinda wanna see if he'll do what he did in my dream. he nodded and turned the shower on he went to help me inside but I just stood there. I shook my head and he just looked at me. "what Ni?" I looked at Louis and felt my cheeks heat up. I just looked back at Louis and back down. "what? what is it Niall?" I now didn't want to tell Louis because he might get mad. but I did notice he was staring at my bum. I walked over and sat on his lap again. but he was still in his towel. "no niall.. please don't i-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. I felt him move a little beneath me but pushed back a little on my lips. I felt something else touch me bum but ignored it. after Louis pressed against my lips he rubbed his hand on my thigh making me gasp he took that opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. I fought for him to keep going I thought but he had stopped and looked at me and back down before grabbing me and wrapping his hand around it and putting his lips on mine again. I let out little noises here and there and all Louis did was go faster. I pulled away to catch my breath and Louis had switched our positions so I was sitting down and he was on his knees. I liked the feeling and what he did next sent me over the edge. he bit the inside of my thigh really hard and made this knot come out of my stomach and stuff came out of me. "f-fuck" Louis licked the stuff off me and his hand before smiling at me and helping me into the shower. I saw he had the same problem but when I reached over he pulled my hand away. "no love.. some other time. do you feel better?" I stood there and wagged my tail. "y-yeah t-thank... you Lou." I kissed him on the cheek again as he helped me through the shower.

we got out and he helped me dry me hair and get dressed. I pulled on some sweat pants as Louis put on a green shirt and a hat thing.

"so Niall. do you wanna go to work with me or do you want to see Harry and Liam?" I didn't know what work or a harryliam was but going with Louis sounded fun. "w-with Lou!" he smiled at me and pulled my shirt over my head... "alright Niall if your gonna go with me your gonna have to trust me. okay? I promise I wont hurt you Ni I promise." I nodded and I trust Louis. and perrie. they're both nice. he walked around behind me and pushed my tail yo my back. he put something on my stomach and wrapped it around and around and around until he put two metal things on it. he slipped my shirt back on and smiled at me. "doesn't hurt does it?" I shook my head and waited as Louis got his shoes on and helped me with mine. he also put another hat thing on my head. "your gonna have to wear my beanie from now on when we go out to hide your ears okay?" I nodded as he fixed it just right. I stared into his eyes as he did so he noticed me watching and smiled back at me. "you ready love? we gotta get to work." I nodded again and followed Louis as we got into his car. we stopped at a stop light and he turned on the air conditioner and I leaned forward to feel it better and smiled. I started to wag my tail but it was tickling me because Louis did something to it. I started giggling and Louis looked at me. I stopped and sat down still.

we got to his work and I could sense he was nervous as we got out. I looked over at him and smiled at him. he gave me a small one and we walked inside. Louis said he was late and I didn't know what he meant. but now I do and when we walked in I saw a lot of people and started to freak out. I started to breathe really hard and felt like I couldn't. I ran back out the door we came into and ran back to Louis's car. it was locked and I heard someone coming behind me but I took off running. someone said for him to go back and watch the register but I didn't care I kept running and pulling the beanie down. I stopped when I ran out of breath and couldn't breathe. a couple minutes later I was met by a breathless Perrie.  "N-Niall are you okay? you took off pretty fast back there." I shook my head and started to cry. "Louis... d-dont... t-to many p-peo-ple in t-t-there.." I started to cry harder because I left Louis but, I didn't know what else to do. perrie pulled off my beanie and played with my hair for a minute before making sure no one was there. she sat behind me and leaned me back a bit before finding my ears and rubbing soothing circles in them. she did that for a while before her phone went off. she had talked for a couple minutes but I didn't listen.

"Louis said its pretty empty now and its okay to take you back. are you ready?" I trusted perrie. a lot. I nodded and allowed her to put my beanie back on. we walked back and walked inside. I saw Louis and he smiled at me before wrapping me into a hug that lasted a few minutes. he brought me to the back of the store which he gave me and Perrie some coffee and we started talking about nothing. well they did I listened. until a raven haired boy and that curley headed lad walked in

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