~~Chapter Seven~~

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Niall POV

I stared at the curly haired lad remembering I smelled cat off of him after he pulled his beanie. I smelled it again and turned around to tell Louis that I needed to get out of here but he was already up and walking towards him. Perrie got up to walk away but I grabbed her wrist and stopped her. she turned around and looked at me. "what Ni? its just Zayn and Harry.... what's wrong?" I took a breath and started. "c-cat.. have too.. g-get out. d-dont like c-c-cats..." she looked at me for minute and a look of understanding came across her face. "your a dog hybrid aren't you?" I nodded and she smiled. "no wonder I like you" I smiled and she led me out back.

we got out there and she sat with me for a few minutes and calmed me down from smelling Harry. she sang to me for a while, and must I add she's a great singer. "hey Niall, do you want to meet Zayn? I won't tell him anything I promise." I hesitated but nodded after a minute. she left and I started to smell something very familiar, and I didn't like it. but I just sat there trying not to growl to loud. I heard the door open and turned and looked at who walked out. I recognized Perrie but not the other lad. "Niall? hey this is Zayn. Zayn this is Niall. now Zayn, please be nice to him. he's.... special you could say, and he's the one with Louis." he nodded and I looked over at him. he smiled and stuck his hand out. I stumbled back and stood behind Perrie. "no its okay Niall, he's just being friendly. look just do this.." she took my hand and shook it up and down. I looked in shock back at Zayn and stuck out my other hand. he took it in his and shook it. I smiled at him. "hey mate. how are you?" I hesitated and thought for a moment. "g-good. and you?" I closed my eyes and waited for him to hit me. "you alright mate? you look kinda scared." he looked at me with concern and care in his eyes. "y-y-yeah j-just.." "calm down Ni just breathe he won't hurt you or make fun of you in anyway." I nodded and took two deep breathes before trying again. "just.... don't... want you.. to... hit me.... or get...mad." he started shaking his head and wrapped his arms around me. I stood there tense in his arms until I realized Perrie was right and I really did trust her so I slowly wrapped my arms around him too. Perrie was standing there smiling. "I knew you two would get along."

Louis POV

I got up to see Harry and Zayn, but when I turned around, Niall wasn't there. I tried not to freak out Perrie wasn't there either, so I just went and talked to them. we talked for about twenty minutes when Perrie came in and kissed Zayn and took him back in the back. weird. we talked for a while longer until harry finally decided to order something. "alright it'll be out in a few. but hey can you watch the register for me I'll be right back." I heard a yeah and walked out behind the back, to find Niall Perrie and Zayn sitting and talking. "what's going on?" I looked over at Niall as he wanted to speak. "t-talking. Duh!" the three burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile. "well hey we gotta go back in Harry's alone and I gotta" "NO! I don't w-want to! Do-dont l-like M-Mary!" I was surprised at Niall sudden outburst. I looked at him and back at Perrie for an explanation. Perrie opened her mouth to speak but the door opened and Harry's head popped out. "someone's here.... Niall?" his eyes widened and Niall started to growl and stood up taking threatening steps towards him. he stopped a couple feet away and stared at him. what he said next surprised me in two different ways. "Fucking c-cat! d-dont like c-cats!" I heard gasps from everyone else and Perrie ran up in front of Niall. "okay.. let's uh go take another walk yeah? and calm down? we can take Zayn if you want?" he shook his head and stormed off. "I'm gonna go babe, I'd stay but things look like they're gonna get ugly." she said alright and he walked off. "I'll get-" I shook my head and started walking where he stormed off too. "I'll get him, you get Harry's drink and help whoever." I took off running to catch up with him, and he's really fast for someone who eats as much as he does. he stopped under the bridge where the river was and sat down, taking his shoes and socks off and pulling his pants up putting his feet in the water. he'd taken his beanie off before and just sat there.

I walked over quietly and sat down beside him. he didn't even look over at me, like he didn't even care. "Niall? are you okay?" he still didn't look at me, he was ignoring me. "Niall I don't know what's wrong but you can't just talk to someone like that, even if you don't like them." he looked over at me And glared at me. "fuck you Louis.. y-you don't u-unders-stand." I looked at him shocked and he just looked away. "why are you talking like that Niall?" I asked softly not trying to trigger anything else from him. I could see he twitched one of his ears and he looked at me. we sat there for a bit like that before he said anything. he took a deep breath and started. "h-he isn't.... n-normal." I raised my eyebrows and laughed a bit. "well no its harry, nothing about him is normal." he shook his head and stood up. he looked down at me before walking over to me and getting on his knees and straddling my legs. this position wasn't helping me any, cause for some reason when he gets pissed off or cusses at me or someone it turns me on. and he was not helping. "no not human not normal... l-like this." he pointed to his ears and I didn't understand. "Niall I don't.." he moved up closer and was inches from my face. I didn't know what he was doing but he was making it harder and harder to think. "e-ears Lou. g-got ears." "yeah Ni, everyone has ears. you just have two sets of them." he sat down on my crotch area and my breath hitched. I was getting a raging hard on and I hoped he wouldn't notice. "no Lou. y-your e-ears here." he pointed to me ears, "his u-up here." he pointed to his ears and squirmed a bit. it was taking all I had not to take him then and there. "o-okay Ni-Niall we have to uh, g-go back n-now." he just looked at me for a moment. and like he realized something he leaned forward and captured my lips with his and made me fall backwards. I grunted and flipped us over. he seemed surprised but I couldn't let this happen not here, not now. "no Niall. we do not sit on my lap like that, and we don't not stay on top understand?" it came across like I was mad but I couldn't help it, I was horny and I couldnt take advantage of Niall like that. I needed to get back and I needed to get back fast.

Perrie POV

it was about thirty minutes before they came back and Louis walked in looking pissed off and Niall looked sad and looked like he was about to cry. they both came back in the back and Louis told Niall to just sit somewhere and he did. Josh was working now so I went to find Louis.

"what's wrong with you Louis? you look like someone just pissed in your cocopuffs." he just looked at me for a moment before walking past me and cleaning tables. "fine I'll ask Niall." he didn't say anything, just looked at me then looked down and shook his head. I let out a breath and walked over to Niall. I gave him a smile and he gave me a small one. "what happened Ni? you can tell me. I won't do anything." he nodded and told me about what had happened. how he tried to explain that Harry was a hybrid I could tell cause he was being very descriptive and using obvious signs. and how when he sat on Louis that Lou had stumbled over his words. "a-and, h-he s-said.... that I....c-cant so on h-his l-lap.... a-and I c-cant c-c-crawl over h-him no m-more a-and I c-cant k-kiss L-lou no m-more." he was silently crying and it was sad to watch, I didn't like to see. him cry. "you've kissed Louis?" he just nodded and that's when I understood. "Niall I'll be right back okay? I'm gonna go talk to him alright?" he nodded again And wiped his eyes.

I walked over to louis and grabbed his arm and pulled him to the break room and locked the door  ignoring him telling me to let him out. "Louis were going talk about this wether you want to or not. Now, I know Niall likes you. And its pretty obvious you like him too. And you cannot be that harsh on him like that. He doeant really know anything right now. You've got to teach him and nicely cause he's new to all this Lou, and he's not just getting it because some one wants to abuse him." He just looked at me while I was talking to him and something flashed through his eyes but was gone the moment it was there. He nodded, "yreah I see what your saying okay? Can I go now?" He was restless to leave, and didn't seem to understand. "I'm taking Niall home with me for a day or two, until you figure something out about what to do with teaching him nicely." He walked closer to me ad I could see he was trying to hide his anger from boiling over after suggesting I take him home. "No he's staying with me, Perrie he doesn't know anywhere else and that's where he'll stay." I shook my head and opened the door walking out to Niall, "c'mon Ni let's go, were gonna hang out for a while." He nodded and pulled his beanie on as Louis walked out ready to go home ad looked at me leading Niall out and into my car. Before he could do anything else I started towards home with Niall almost asleep in my passenger seat.

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