Chapter 31; real life + DM

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On Sunday evening, Liam and Camilla inhabited Starbucks. Their night together mostly involved Camila fretting over her best friends offbeat behaviour.
"Lili's my best friend. I'm just worried about her. I don't know what's going on with her and she won't fill me in."
"Cami," Liam uttered, an element of both solace and sternness weaving into his features as he softly planted his hand above hers, "I'm sure Lili's fine and even if she's not...she will be. She'll eventually come around. Everybody needs a little time to themselves to figure things out. Don't worry, for now, baby. Tonight is our night, okay?"
The panic Camila was formerly experiencing was short-lived as somehow he prospered in shifting her mood from negative to positive. Effortlessly, a delighted grin resided upon her lips.
"Okay, babe. Thanks. I really needed that."
"No, it's cool. I defiantly would do the same if someone I cared about was acting in that way. And it was really no problem." was his response in anticipation of enveloping her in a tender hug.
If it's even possible, Camila's grin broadened additionally until...
"Oh my gosh!" She bitterly enunciated to herself, extracting herself from Liam's grasp.
"Did I do something?"
"Not you, baby."
Swiftly, Camila leaps up from their table with her half-consumed coffee and flounces towards the booth across from them which contains to lovers.
At first, Liam is baffled. He speculates as to why his girlfriend is so anngry over this couple who hadn't done a thing, however, he shortly understood the reasoning.
"Max, what the fuck is wrong with you? You're cheating on Faith!" Camila roared angrily.
Max's lolled posture stiffened and his eyes dilated when discovering that he had been exposed.
"Liam, Camila. Please don't tell Faith!"
Camila acted as if his remark had mollified her for a second, it was elementary since she was an actress and then, without a sole warning, Camila dumped her scorching cup of coffee over his freshly conditioned and styled hair.
"Not all of us are dishonest. I'm telling her right at this moment."
Now in a spleen frame of mind, Max springs from his booth and attempts to seize her phone from her hands as she's speedily typing a confession, "No you aren't."
"Yes, she is." Liam avers from afar
"No," Max repeats, unceremoniously taking a firm hold of her arm.
Max's gratuitous doings usher the wrath out of Liam who appears as if he's about to explode like a volcano. He promptly raided over to Max and violently ripped his hands away from his girlfriend's arm, "Never touch her like that. As a matter of fact, never touch her at all."

camimendes: Faith
camimendes: I hate to be the bearer of bad news
camimendes: but you need to know what he's doing behind your back

faithjohnson: Camila, what are you talking about?

camimendes: Your boyfriend is cheating on you.

faithjohnson: huh?

camimendes: max is cheating on you
camimendes: Liam and I saw him out with another girl.
camimendes: I'm sorry

faithjohnson: Ummm
faithjohnson: thx for the intel.

camimendes: I felt like I needed to
camimendes: I couldn't keep it from you
camimendes: you couldn't continue thinking that your boyfriend was a good guy.
camimendes: you know, I can come over with some ice cream and we could watch Titanic and cry over Jack's death.

faithjohnson: no, it's okay.
faithjohnson: I'll be fine on my own

camimendes: you're positive?

faithjohnson: positively positive.

Faith was not positively positive. She felt as if Max had prised her once blithe heart from her chest, burned it, slammed it on concrete ground, trampled on it many times over and discarded the remains.
Faith descended to her knees, hollering and sobbing as she wrecked everything in sight.
Concurrently, Hunter overheard Faith's version of heartbreak from next door.
Ahead of pelting to her house, he mutters her name: "Faith"
And, once his occupancy lingered at the exterior of her house, he hammered the ligneous door with his bare fists and solemnly called "FAITH!" at the top his voice non-stop.
"Hunter," Faith snivels faintly, edging closer to the front door when perceiving Hunter from the window
Remarkably, the front door is agape. Standing there is a puffy-eyed Faith with manifolds of tears gushing down her remotely crimson cheeks:

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