Save me [superwho fanfic]

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*unedited. i will edit all chapters when i finish the book*

I plopped down on my bed and gathered my laptop onto my lap. currently i was watching my favourite television show, supernatural.

I look up from my tumblr blue computer screen, to the Jensen Ackles filled tv screen.

Hot damn, he's sexy.

I look back at my laptop to a gif of a destiel au.

"Aw" I say under my breath, as I take another bite of ice cream.

Yes, I have about three tubs of ice cream beside me as the moment.

"Aribele!" I here my name being called from downstairs. It''s my Aunt Darcy. I live with her because my parents died when I was three, just your usual car crash.

"Coming!" I yell back down.

Honestly I wasn't going to go at this very moment, maybe in about five minutes.

Five minutes became fifteen minutes and I heard another call for me from downstairs.

"Aribele!" this time Aunt Darcy's voice was agitated.

I whisper a rough 'ugh' and hop off of my bed.

I start as walking down the hallway and find my older brother using the bathroom with the door open.

"What the hell? Close the freaking door when you go to the bathroom." I say as I start to close the door for him.

"Why does the world have to be so modest?" he says with a smirk. I quickly close the door, disgusted by my brother, and rush to my aunt and see what she wanted so badly that I had to get up.

"Arib-" she starts to say again but I cut her off by turning the corner and facing her.

"Yes?" I question, more rudely than I expected.

"This guy came buy to fix the crack in your wall" she states and gestures to a man with a bowtie and flippy hair.

"Hello" he says and waves his hand with the greatest smile ive seen in a while. He seems to have british accent. "I'm the Doctor"

A wave a confusion consumes me and I cant help but to ask him this question. "Doctor who?"

His face becomes giddy with excitement as he tells me "Nothing else, just the Doctor."

"Well if you're a doctor than why are you doing a carpenter's work?" I ask quizzingly.

"Thats for me to know and you to not know."

"Well then," I say as I turn around "Follow me to the crack."

He follows me and asks me a number of questions about the crack but one sticks out to me in particular and makes me stop in my place.

"Do you ever hear voices coming from the other side?" Yes. I do. But he doesn't need to know that.

I turn around to face him. "No" I lie.

His eyes search mine for something, and I'm sure he finds it too.

"the fear in your eyes tells me otherwise" he whispers.

i say nothing and lead him to my room. he must be done with the interrogation, but it seems as though hes still asking questions, but with looks instead of words.

"there it is" i say pointing at the crack when we had reached my room.

he rushes over to it as if it were his most favourite thing in the world and looks at it demandingly, and then takes a few steps backward, pointing a weird stick that glows and makes noises at the wall.

"whats that?" i ask him, referring to his glowing stick,

he looks down at me and smirks "my sonic screwdriver!" he flips his 'screwdriver' in the air and catches it.

It's more of a toy than a screwdriver, and whats so 'sonic' about it?

"Why are you playing with toy.s" I ask, kinda disturbed by the fact that this man was playing with a toy rather than fixing the crack on my wall.

"Oi! dont say that!" he says, grasping his toy closer to him.

I laugh a little bit and stare at him as he plays with his toy.

He's childish, but I could see myself becoming acquainted with this man. I mean, not as his girlfriend, but more like a close friend.

"Aribele?" he asks, still pointing his toy at the crack.

"Hm?" I hum in answer

"You know there's not actually a crack in your wall, right?"

"What are you talking about? The crack is right there" I say, confusion evident on my face.

"It's there, but its not there" he tells me as if he expects me to understand.


Still looking at me, he points his toy at the wall and makes it glow and make noises again. He looks at the wall as I do the same. The wall now doesn't have a crack but a enormous hole, that leads to a whole other room.

"Oh. My. God." I stutter and look at the room.

Just then, someone jumps from the side of the hole, pointing a gun at the Doctor and I.

For some reason, I feel like I know who that person is.

Hurriedly, the Doctor closes the hole with his toy, before i can make out who it was, and looks at me.

"Doctor? Why is there a whole other room on the other side of the wall?" I stare at him and wait a second before speaking up again. "On the other side of the wall is supposed to be the outdoors not a whole other room!"

He smirks at me and walks up to the crack.

"This here, is not a normal crack, Aribele, this is a crack in time and space" he states gliding his finger along the ridges of the crack.

A/N here is the first chapter of my remake of 'If I Were His Rose', written horribly by me. much better story if i have any say in it.

please comment/vote for another chapter

i love you guys

Chloe xoxo

Save me  [superwho fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now