chapter 3

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He thinks I'fictional?

fictional character thought I was fictional.

But I'm not fictional, I'm a real human and he is a fictional character.

I'm so confused as to why he thinks I'm fictional and how he knows me at all.

"Aribele?" the Doctor questions me with a confused look.

I just stare back at him with a just as confused emotion. "Yes?"

"How does he know you?" he points in the general direction of Sam, "and how do you know him?"

I just shake my head as if to say "I dont know."

Then I thought for a second about everything. About the crack in my wall and the person on the other side.

Oh my God, I forgot.

The person on the other side.

"Sam, I dont know how you know who I am, but one thing is for sure, we're gonna have to trust each other if we want to find out whats going on," I look at him and I hope he can tell that im being serious, "Where's dean?"

Sam's eyes spark at the mention of his brother. "Inside, why?"

"We're all going to have to work together, and plus he almost shot the doctor and I." I guesture at the Doctor.

Sam looks at me with shock and I start torward the house. The house seems to be the exact replica of mine so I knew where I was going. I walk down a couple hallways and entries before I reach my room (or in this case a replica of my room), where i belive the crack on this side most likely is located.

"Dean Winchester?" I ask when I find him in 'my room'.

His expression becomes surprised and he stares at me as if I were a ghost.

"you-you're the girl from Dr. Sexy" he states. 

"Um... what?" I say completely and utterly confused.

"the show, you know, Dr. Sexy is your boss and-" I cut him off.

"Excuse me, who the hell is 'Dr. Sexy'?" I say walking closer to him.

", boss?" he says hesitantly

"yea sorry, no" i state simply 

"well then who are you" he ask me

"I'm Aribele" I say with confidance.

"then you are from my show" he state as if it were ovbious.

"um, no. you're from my show, the one where you and sam hunt Demons"

"well you're not wrong about that, but do you know more about me if we're from each others shows?" he says

"because you're catching glimpses of each others life through the crack in the wall" the Doctor speaks up "and you, Dean, seem to not be getting very much of whats going on in her universe"

I fake laugh at how true that is, but then I think. 

"Dean" says a deep and dead sexy voice that I instantly recongnize. 

"Cas?" dean and I both say at the same time.

"Dean who is this?" Castiel says walking up to me and searching for any sighns of danger.

I unconsiously walk up to him and hug him.

"Aribele" Dean says answering his question.

"why is she squeezing me with her body?"

 "it's called a hug, castiel" I state simply.

"Dean, isnt this the girl from that show you're obssessed with?" castiel says, still inquisitive.

"well, I wouldn't say 'obssessed' but...yeah"

 I smirk. 

"obsessed ay?" I say looking up at Castiel, because I know Dean wont answer my question truthfully.

"Yes, hes always watching it when I come to visit, and hes always talking about how big the main character's boobs are" he doenst meantion who the main character is so i guess its just my mom hes talking about.

"my mom?" i ask, just to be sure.

I peek at Dean and see that hes kind of emmbarrassed.

"no' Cas says seriously, and I look back at him, "you"

"Jesus fuck" I accidently say out loud.

Cas pushes me off of him as if I were trash.

"how dare you" he whispers under his breath.

I smirk even bigger (if that was even possible) as I turn to look at Dean.

"So, like what you see, huh?" I say hugging him instead.

"uh...yeah" he hesitates.

"well, you no can has" I stop hugging him and turn to face the Doctor "so, as much as I'd like to stay and chat, I want to know how all of this is possible" 

"well, you see" the Doctor starts "thats what I want to find out"

 A/N aayy, I updated. short, I know, but like...come on its summer and tumblr calls to me.

p.s. i'm thinking about making an all out Supernatural fanfic. as in no Doctor Who in the story and just Supernatural, but still keeping up this story of course. plus itll give me more reason not to update so of course I would love to make another story


Chloe xoxo 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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