chapter 2

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this chapter is dedicated to @acompletestranger because their comment made me smile*

After telling me that the crack was a 'crack in time and space', i thought the Doctor was crazy. there's no way thats even possible. but how was there another room where there was supposed to be outside air? ugh, the voice in my head needs to shut up.

and so i followed him. i followed the mad man. i followed the mad man after he told me he was an alien, and that he had a box that was bigger on the inside and flew through time and space. i followed him because i needed an explanation on why there was a crack 'to another universe' i, my room, as he told me.

"so" i say, swinging my legs back and forth as i sit on the loveseat, watching the Doctor fiddle with the buttons and levers all over his tardis console, "two places in time and space that never should've touched?" i repeat what he told me in my room, letting the words roll off my tongue.

"yup" the Doctor says, popping the 'p'.

"whats on the other side?"

"that's what I want to find out" he says smiling.

"how do we just walk over to the other side without being shot by that one guy?" the one guy who i could've sworn i knew.

"we don't," he says, and i immediately become confused.

"but then ho-"

"hold on tight" he says and pulls a lever, yelling 'geronimo' with an excited emotion.

as he pulls the lever i feel the box move, as if it were a rollercoaster, slowly at first and then rides like a hurricane. it was honestly the most exciting thing I've ever done.

the tardis makes a blissful sound of waves crashing and reminds me of a choir singing.

"Doctor!" i yell over the sound of the tardis and screams of excitement.

"Aribele?!" he yells back.

"where exactly are we going?"

"To the other side of the crack" he yells with a tone of finality, and a smile on his face as always.

in that moment i think i found someone as crazy as i am who understands just how to take life, and you take life as if you were going to die the next day. in that moment i found a newfound froend who accepted me as i am, broken but still smiling.

the tardis landed with a 'boom'. we both walked up to the door that could lead to anything on the other side. he reaches his hand up to open it but i stopped him.

"wait!" he pulls his hand back down and looks at me, "Doctor?" i ask.

"yes?" he says with a tone that almost sounded worried.

"thank you!" i say with full out joy, and pull him in for a hug.

as we pull apart, i see him smile his grandest since i met him, and out the doors, we go.

the view when we open the doors look exactly as what we had left.

i start to doubt the Doctor and all that he said to me, when i hear a cry from my house that doesn't belong to my mom nor my brother.

"Dean!" yelled the voice. as soon as i hear the voice it reminds me of the character Dean from my show and that i completely forgot to pause my show on Netflix. crap.

"Dean, outside!" yells the voice, and the voice sounds very similar to the one of Jared Padalecki, who plays Sam on my show.

just as i let my mind wander, a boy about six feet tall walks out of my door.

"who are you?" he questions, keeping a safe distance from the Doctor and i, and as i let my gaze wander to his face, my mind clicks.

"Sam Winchester?" i say mostly to myself, but im sure it was loud enough for the boy to hear.

"how do you know my name?" he says.

when he confirms that he is, in fact, the fictional character i watch o, my tv everyday, my breathing gets heavy and a knot gets caught in my stomach.

"no, no, no, no, no, thats not possible," i say under my breath.

i hide behind the Doctor and pull on his coat sleeve.

"how do you know him?" the Doctor speaks up, questioning me.

"" i start to stutter as i peek at Sam again, making sure i wasn't dreaming.

yup. still Sam.

and then i see his eyes, flicker as he looks at me and finalize on my face.

"Aribele Weston?" shit. he knows my name, how?

not that im not excited, but in front of people im fond of i start to act like a clutze and make a fool of myself.

but how does he know my name?

i nod my head.

he starts walking closer to us and he looks behind the Doctor as if to get a better look at me.

"i thought you were fictional" he states with the slightest bit of surprise.

A/N short i know.

i wrote this chapter while debating with one of my friends whether abortion is acceptable or not. and that got me so heated and angry holy crap.

how was the chapter?

i hope it was good

what do you think of Aribele? is she a good or bad character?

please comment/vote for the next chapter

i love you guys

Chloe xoxo

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