Part 1

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One day a young deodorant can set out to find an adventure. Little to her knowledge did she know of the adventure awaiting for her. Her mind was set on finding the Impulse gem of amazing ness and the staff of  the great kingdom carnaby. She was accompanied by her friends the pancake and the lipstick and this was going to be the best adventure of her amazing deodorant can life. The guards of kingdom of carnaby were the perfume bottle twins guarding the gates with their banana tree guns. The three friends stopped at the gate because the guards yelled at them "stop where you are and things won't got messy" they did not listen and they hit the guards with their makeup brushes and jewellery boxes. The guards fell to the ground with a loud BOOM! and the whole kingdom shook. Many moons later they finally got into the gates because there was a nice old hairdryer that was the mother of the king of the kingdom of carnaby.

Just to say 'PheIsAMarshmewo' had written this page, with inspiration from Lills. Hope you enjoyed, sorry if it was short but please remember not to take this completely seriously.

Day in a life of a deodorant canWhere stories live. Discover now