Chapter 7~ He'll Never Let Me Go

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After what Kaiba said that night, I've learned one thing. Never make Kaiba angry or jealous or else you'll be the one that receives the damage. Since then, three days have passed and everything went back to normal except for one thing. Every time I look at Kaiba's face directly, I blush with excitement and fear. I've been daydreaming in class about Kaiba every day. If he knew that, he'd certainly be jealous of the delusions I've been having about him. I've become really perverted haven't I? That same day, when I got home my dad said that my twin sister Akari is coming to visit. My sister Akari is actually my only best friend besides Yugi. I haven't even met Yugi's friends yet either. Akari is actually older than me by 15 minutes and she looks exactly like me. Technically we're the same age but, Akari always pretends to be younger than me. Any guy that approaches me, she devours. I should make sure that she doesn't meet Kaiba since she's going to be going to my school for three weeks. After all, she considers all men as scum. Sometimes I think that we look and act too much alike so I began to act differently around her. I even tried to dye my hair once but she caught me before I could do it.

Time Skip~

I wanted to get to school early for once so I left my house at 6:45 in the morning. Before I knew it, while I was walking somehow Akari managed to catch up with me. She screamed,

"Don't leave me behind Misaki! You're so mean! Don't you want to keep your cute little sister company?"

I replied with a blunt stare,

"Get over it. You realize that we're not kids anymore right? Whenever I made friends you would get rid of them one way or another but, not this time. The only reason I'm talking to you is because we're family. You're not ruining the life that I've worked so hard to create again. Especially since I have someone I l-l-like."

Akari glared at me behind her smiling face but, I didn't notice at the time. She then mumbled under her breath,

"Really now? You like someone? Good for you! But you know, I believe that all men are scum in this world. That includes our own father as well. So, who is the lucky guy? Who are your friends?"

I wondered for a second there why Akari was suddenly so interested in my love life but, I thought nothing of it. I excitedly told her everything that's been going on in my life so far, and the response I get? I've been freakin' tied up again except for the fact that it wasn't by Kaiba but Akari! I'm so vulnerable when I'm tied up. Where'd she even get this rope! The last thing she said to me before going off to school was,

"Let's hope your boyfriend still likes you after he sees you cheating with one of your friends. Or better yet, if he can't even recognize his own girlfriends' face then maybe you'll give up on him. I'm so glad that we look completely alike and that I just so happened to take an acting class last year! This is the best way to get rid of scum. After all, you only need me as a friend." Honestly, and she just left me here on an old road that nobody uses anymore tied up. Wait a minute, did Akari really say that just now? I'm in trouble if she did because Kaiba and I were supposed to go on a date today at 3:00pm sharp. If I'm late, who knows what he'll do to me! He even made me a promise that he wouldn't talk to me until our date!


I really do feel bad about tying Misaki up but, this'll help her wake up from this illusion that she's been having. Once I reached the school and my classroom, I waited for my sisters' so called, 'Friends' to walk up to me. In the end, three hours have passed at school and no one has approached me. I considered the fact that maybe she was just joking about having friends and a boyfriend. That is, until a short guy walks up to me with some kind of pyramid looking puzzle around his neck. His exact words were,

"Misaki? Are you okay? You've been acting weird since this morning so I didn't approach you because I thought that you had another fight with Kaiba but..." I quickly replied,

"Well, why do you think that?" Impossible, can he really tell the difference between us? Then this short guy must be Misa-chan's friend Yugi. What Yugi said next really stunned me.

"It's just that, you haven't looked at Kaiba even once since walking into this classroom. Well... Kaiba hasn't talked to you for a while now so I've been wondering if the relationship between you two is okay. I mean...I know that it's none of my business but, I've been worried." Sadness envoked Yugi's face so I replied with a halfhearted smile,

"I'm fine, I've just been feeling sick for a while now. Anyway, where is Kaiba?" Yugi's face suddenly grew pale as he said,

"You know he's been sitting behind you for a while right? Ever since we started school? I take you to the nurses office? I don't know, it feels like your memory is lacking but, that's not the only thing. I even think that Kaiba would agree." I turned around and noticed that slowly but, surely Kaiba began to grow suspicious of me. Right then and there, an idea popped into my head and I decided that it's about time I take action. I figured that Misaki probably untied herself already so I chose to make it quick. I grabbed Kaiba's shirt which caught his attention somewhat as the sun's rays glared through the windows of the classroom. My face moved closer to his by the second and before you knew it, something collided...


I was finally able to untie myself thanks to an old lady passing by the road. I began to run as soon as I was untied and thanked the old lady. The old lady replied,

"Teens these days, what kind of games are they playing by using ropes? This is the ninth time this week I've had to untie a teenager. Ah~youth..." As I was reminiscing I realized that I finally made it to school. I ran towards my classroom and what do I see? I was too stunned to move or even speak as I saw something so...disturbing...

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