c h a p t e r 13

152 8 1

Jac's POV:

Jonny, of all people, had to just fucking show up didn't he?! It would have been nice for him to tell me that he was coming to visit, yanno, as I am the mother of his child?

Emma immediately leaped off of the sofa and ran up to Jonny. Jonny picked her up and threw her up in the air, immediately catching her again which was followed with a squeal.

"Hello Pumpkin!" Jonny said.

"I've missed you sooooo much Daddy!!" Emma cried.

Ollie also got up and shook Jonny's hand. They started to talk before I interrupted.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, it's great to see you too, Jac" Jonny said in his strong Scottish accent.

I rolled my eyes. "Cut straight to the point, Maconie."

"Well I thought I would take Emma of your hands for a few days. You know, take her up to Scotland, introduce her to my family..."

"No." I cut in.

"Come on, Jac. I've hardly seen her these past four years." Jonny pleaded.

"And that's EXACTLY why you can't take her. Do you really think you can just walk into our lives again and jet back off to Scotland taking my daughter with you? Have you forgotten who has looked after her all of these years when you haven't been around?"

"Look, Jac, I can't turn back the past, but if I could, I would've been more involved in her life. Now is my chance to make that right."

"How long are you planning on stealing my daughter for?"

"OUR daughter, Jac. And I don't know, a few months..."

"A few months? She's supposed to start Primary School in September!"

"Yeah well that's ages away. She'll be back well before then."

"Have you asked her what she wants?" I asked, praying that she would also say no.

"Well let's ask her then!" Jonny said as he placed Emma down on the floor, and crouched to her level.

Jonny was just about to ask her, but I glared at him and started to myself, also crouching down beside her.

"Daddy um, wants to know, um, if you wanted to go to Scotland with him for a few, um, months...?" I said, taking many pauses.

Emma squealed with joy. "Thank you Mummy!" She said as she wrapped her small, skinny arms around me.

I gently placed my hand on her back and forced a smile.

"Well that's sorted." Jonny said smiling.

Emma released her arms from around me and turned to Jonny. "When are we going to go, Daddy?"

"We can go now if you like?" Jonny answered.

"Hold on. There's NO way she's going tonight. I haven't even packed any of her clothes or toys or anything, and I will have to find her passport..." I said, listing the things I have to do before she goes.

"It's fine, I can sort it. We can always buy her that stuff in Scotland." Jonny said with a smirk across his face.

"Oh yes because you're made of money and you can buy her a whole new wardrobe and toys..." I said sarcastically.

"Look, I just want to take some responsibility for once. We'll be fine!" Jonny exclaimed.

I sighed. "It's just happening way too soon..."

"I know and I'm sorry. But the plane is booked in an hour. We have to go tonight."

"She hasn't had any dinner..." I said, trying to find excuses.

"It's fine, we can get some at the airport or on the plane." Jonny replied.

I nodded, accepting defeat. "Um well I'll go and get some clothes for her..." I said as I ran upstairs.

I stuffed as much as I could possibly get in a suitcase. What is the weather like in Scotland at the moment? Rainy, cold, sunny, hot? Oh I don't know. I just shoved all sorts in; shorts, coats, jeans, t shirts, jumpers...

Any other room in the suitcase that was available was filled with toys and games. I put 'Fearless', Emma's favourite Taylor Swift album, on top of her clothes and zipped up the case.

I brought it downstairs along with her coat and her petite trainers, the things that she was going to wear to the airport.

"Emma, come and get your shoes and coat on. You'll be leaving soon..."

Emma leaped over to me, like a newborn lamb. She placed each feet into her shoes, leaving me to fasten the velcro. Then I held her coat as she gently placed each of her arms in the holes, doing the zip up herself.

"I'm ready to go Daddy!" Emma cheered.

I gave the case to Jonny, reluctantly. He quickly took it before I had chance to change my mind.

I knelt down to Emma's level. "Sweetie, listen to me. You have an amazing time in Scotland with Daddy, yeah? I'll be right here waiting for you when you come back. Don't forget to Facetime me!" I said as Emma immediately responded with a tight hug. I hugged back.

"We better go, Em. Come on darling..." Jonny said as he directed her out of the door.

"Look after my baby..." I whined.

"Of course I will. We'll see you soon, yeah?" Jonny said reassuringly as he shut the door, leaving me standing in the hallway.

They were gone.


hey! sorry i haven't updated in a while- this is a really long chapter and i hope it makes up for my absence!

thank you for reading,

don't forget to vote & comment!

sarah xoxo

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