Terry At Home 🏡

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Author's Note 📝...

Think before you post a comment or send a message because even though you can't see me, it doesn't mean what you say won't touch me. Be kind and positive and I promise to bring out the best for you. Thank you.

- Amana-Deena.


Waking up on the couch, I pressed a button on top of the clock on the shelf beside my bed.

"Oh! Shut the hell up!!" I threw my lazy arms and grabbed the pillow over my head.

"Thwaaack!" The glass verse standing on his wardrobe fell down and broke into a zillion pieces.

"What the heck!"

I rolled and rolled again. Tro and fro, like the arm of my wall clock.


"Oh no! Not now!!"I angrily spat at the phone that finally woke me up. I stretched my cracky bones and rubbed my dull eyes. I made eye contact with the ceiling until my blurry vision cleared.

I threw my muscled hand on the table behind my bed and picked up my yahoo as I usually call my phone.

I angrily scrolled through my phone and there were sixteen missed calls and a message. It was from Roseline Sean, my girlfriend or should I say my ex.


The message was...

"... Am back in Los Angeles. Please call me, I miss you."

"Rosie! Rosie!! Rosie!!! That dickhead bitch!" I snarled at myself.

This 'Rosie' name has been a bomb in my heart and a pain to my neck, since the night we accidentally met in a club years back.

"I thought we broke up! Why's she back in Los Angeles? Isn't she engaged to Dylan Jones?..." A headache struck through my head. I threw the phone on my soft, comfy bed and went to the bathroom to take my bath.

Minutes Later...

"Come on Terry, breakfast's ready. "Maggie's tiny voice echoed the building.

Well, Maggie is my favorite housemaid. Mum asked her to take care of me and she's been a mother to me. Maggie is fifty-five but she looks ten years younger than her age and I call her 'My favorite'. Whatever, this is because she's always lecturing me about settling down with one of the girls I hang out with.

"For goodness sake! I'm a guy, not a baby!! I'm fuckin' rich... I can do whatever I want whenever I want to. I mean I can live my life." A tiny smirk made it's way to my lips.

Whenever she starts talking about relationships and health issues, I can't help but to freak out.

"What's wrong, you've got an headache again, right?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip and using the other to pick my chubby checks.

"Yes!" I jolt her hand away.

"Like seriously?" She frowned.

"Whatever, it isn't serious."

"Is this about Rosie again? "

" Yup!" I nodded, chopping off the soft bread and gulping down the coffee.

"Don't tell me that bitch is back again. I thought she got engaged to a pilot about a month ago? What has she forgotten here that she wants to pick??" She gritted her teeth as if it was difficult to say.

"Darling, I have no idea what went wrong but Rosie is around. Whatever, I need to go...It's thirty minutes past seven." I gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead and rushed to my car, in the garage.

"Bye, Terry!" Maggie waved to him and finally wore a small smile.

"Bye, sir! You're looking hot today!!" Jane appeared apparently from nowhere.

"What's wrong with you, Jane?" Maggie's cold voice sounded. "Must you scare the hell out of me before you speak?" She finally controls her hard breathings.

"What did I do wrong again, Maggie? Is love a crime?" Jane rolls out her eyes and wore a full-toothy smile.

"I'm not saying love is a crime or you shouldn't fall in love. What am saying is..."


"Love is not a crime but hiding it is. Get this into your dried, empty-skull that Terry Walter 'WOULD NEVER LOOK AT YOU IN THAT WAY, CRAZY!.." She hissed and left to the kitchen.

"I know he won't but nothing is impossible." Jane fired back, getting annoyed by Maggie's words but still hopeful.

"Whatever! I'll never give up, Maggie!!"

" Stop keeping your hopes up, Janie. It's just an advice, stick to it!"

"Thanks a bunch, Maggie. I definitely know, Terry isn't a lady's type. Even though he' s rich, tall, handsome and sexy.. He. would. fall. in. love. with. meeee!" She stressed the last words.

"Not in your wildest dreams. Jane, I'm his darling... He's favorite."

"Uhhh, you wish!... Don't you look at the mirror, you're already old Maggie! Old enough to be his granny... He don't meannit, he would sure get married one day." She rolled her ocean-blue eyes at Maggie's direction.

"Whatever, idiot! The girl would surely come. You're a maid Janie, not his girlfriend! You aren't and you can never be!"



Maggie is his cook 🍳 while Jane is his housemaid 🏡... They both help him out in doing almost everything including taking care of his house.

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