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Joyful, optimistic boy turned to dark, mysterious, beautiful man. He could get any lady he wanted, but he only wanted one person. Why did that person have to be me?


It was a beautiful Sunday. I was led to the church by my chauffeur, George.

"Thank you, George." I said as he opened my door.

"The pleasure is all mine, Madame." He returned a smile.

I picked up a corner of my skirt with my gloved hand to prevent dragging. A kind gentleman opened the chapel door for me to enter.

"Thank you, Sir." I said. He removed his hat and bowed.

I sat in the second row behind Amelia Cardew.

"Katherine Lappelle, what a grand surprise seeing you here!" She exclaimed, grazing both of my cheeks with hers.

"I couldn't miss the sermon this morning! It's Father's first sermon here, I felt compelled to attend." I said.

"I, too felt I should atten-" she was interrupted by the chapel doors opening and many gasping.

"Who is that?" I ask Amelia.

"Harold? It can't be."

"Harold Styles? Just delightful." I said, lacking enthusiasm.

"How are you not delighted? He's the most handsome man in Brookshire." She said, raising a brow with a smirk.

"He's more of a hindrance than delightful. He's a bothersome, yet handsome, man." I sighed in annoyance as Harold took a seat right next to me, leaving me no room to move.

"Hello, Ms. Lappelle. Grand seeing you here this lovely day." He smiled.

"Hello, Harold. It is indeed a lovely day. So why aren't you somewhere else enjoying what nature has to offer." I scold.

"Because you're here, and I need to speak with you." He said.

"Right now is not a good time, Harold." I told him.

"Please join me for lunch. I won't waste your time, I can promise you that." He begged.

"Alright. Now please refrain from speaking, the service is about to start." I said.

"Will do."


"Where will you be taking me for lunch, I'm quite famished." I stated.

"Oranjee. My vehicle is close by. I'll pick you up here, so please stay here." He told me.

"Fine. I won't go anywhere." About a minute later he arrived in his luxury 1941 Cadillac Series 62.

"Ain't she a beauty? Got her in '46. Used, but still perfect. Get in." He said. I gave a shocked look and he immediately got out and opened my door.

"There we go, Harold. Thank you." I laughed and he smiled.

"Anything for the beautiful lady." He said, emphasizing beautiful. I rearranged my skirt so that it wouldn't get caught in the door. He shuts the door with caution, so that the slam wouldn't startle me.


We arrive at Oranjee and he opened my door.

"Thank you." I said and he took my hand, guiding me up the steps. As much as I don't want to admit, I enjoyed Harold helping me.

"Table for two, please." He said to the maître d.

"Okay, right over here. I hope you enjoy your meal." He said as he set two glasses of champagne on the table.

"Thank you, Sir." Harold said.

"The pleasure is mine." The maître d said and walked away.

"So what do you need to speak with me about?" I asked, getting straight to the point of this lunch date. Which wasn't actually a date, was it?

"I just wanted us to get to know each other better." He smirked.

"I know you. You're the man who makes all of the ladies swoon, but you completely ignore them. You ignore all of them. Every si-"

"I haven't ignored you."



I actually like this intro... And using Oranjee hehe!

Do you like the theme of this book? I know it's very different writing and words, but it's still fun for me to write!

Comment if you think I should continue?

Feel free to vote! Comment!

Love you all <3


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