Chapter Four

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Yoru buries her head in my head, meowing and complaining. Grumbling, I sleepily reach up and scratch her tiny ears. My midnyght black kitten purrs, crawling over my hair and nesting in my breasts as she continues to be impossibly adorable. With a tired smile, I meow back and lazily drag my nails delicately down her itty bitty body.

"You're awake," he chuckles.

Refusing to acknowledge him, I continue to show my affection for the delicate creature resting atop my heart.

"Did you rest well?" he sits next to me on the bed.

Again, my attention and affection are for Yoru alone. I smirk on the inside, watching as the Uchiha frowns and glares.

"Woman," he scoops Yoru up and lays her at the foot of the bed.

I watch him crawl over me, his onyx eyes glistening as he imitates a feline. My lips curl back with a grin as I purr, enjoying the show. His half naked form towers over mine as he lowers his face, those black eyes of his closing as his lips connect with mine. Smirking, I roll on my side and coax Yoru back to my embrace.

"Such a divine little creature," I smile and kiss her belly.

"Hey, woman!"

"Silky soft hair, gorgeous black eyes..." I sigh in content.


"He's not that bad at kissing either," I shrug.

"You little...!"

"Relax, you proud little fool! I'm teasing. Yoru is a girl, baka."

"... I knew that..."

"You should, her name used to be Hime!" I roll my eyes and sit up on the bed.

"So, does this mean you accept my proposal?"

"It means I accept I have a weakness, nothing else. I will not marry someone who does not love," I scoff.

He glares heavily, standing up and looking through the window of my apartment.

"You're hellbent on being my rival?"

"The Uchiha and the Kuran clans were rivals. You are Uchiha and I am Kuran, our destinies have been prewritten. Last nyght was a dream, Sasuke. Today is reality," I pull Yoru onto my lap.

"We're not our families," he murmurs and looks to the clouds.

"No, we are not. If we were, then we two too would be dead."

"Ichiki, your family had immense power. Why let it die completely?" Sasuke turns to face me.

"You are an Avenger, power is all you'll ever seek. I do not desire power or strength, I only dream of thriving and being a survivor."

"You cannot thrive and have your family completely die out at the same time!"

"I CAN THRIVE ON MY OWN!" I stand, Yoru clinging to my exposed thigh with her claws.

I pay her little mind as I get into the Uchiha's face.

"I HAVE SURVIVED THE PLAGUE THAT TOOK MY PARENTS! I HAVE SURVIVED THE SLAUGHTER OF MY CLAN! I SURVIVED THE BLOOD FEVER THAT STOLE MY OWN TWIN! Believe it or not, Uchiha, some of us have had being alone drilled into our mentality! We do not live just for the sake of drawing breath, nor do we have such pitiful ambitions as those that you have before you! SOME OF US THRIVE ON OUR OWN!"

"You do not thrive on loneliness! Help me revive our clans, and you'll never be lonely again!"

"I won't be alone, but that doesn't equate to not being lonely. Who could feel joy and life when married to one who only lives to increase his own abilities? No woman would ever feel complacent when her husband has no heart!"


I slap him.

"Power makes people seek you out in the cold of the nyght! Power makes people cower in fear of you, it makes them mistrust you. People assume the powerful are dangerous and they are usually correct! Power makes only greedy souls cling to your company, but they will never love or respect you! They will aspire to steal it from you so that they may have it!"

"You don't know what you're saying!" Sasuke screams.

"I HAVE A DEMON INSIDE ME! You don't think I know something about power? Look into my eyes, Uchiha! See all that I've seen!" I activate my right eye.

He never had a chance to close his eyes before my life story plays in his mind. Once I'm sure the jutsu is in place, I hurry to dress myself and cradle my only friend to my heart.

"Learn something from the horror you'll see shortly," I scoff.

And with that, I simply leave.

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