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Enjoy————————————————————alexia POV

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alexia POV

my eyes fluttered open to the early morning air, i sat up on my bed and took a deep breath in, soon letting it go.

i pulled the blankets off my body exposing my freshly shaved legs from last night. i walked into my bathroom taking a look in the mirror.

"yikes" i said as i noticed how horrible i looked. my hair all in one puffy mess so i tie it back to keep it out of my face.

i took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before stepping out of the bathroom to go find an outfit.

today i have a flight to milan for my dolce and gabbana runway show tomorrow night, so i have to take a flight in less than an hour.

i changed into a pair of ripped jeans with a white lace top over and a jean jacket, i went on an put on a pair of tennis shoes and sunglasses letting my hair out and applying hair products to it i left them out in their natural state.

i grabbed my suit cases and took them downstairs thanking myself in my head for decided not to leave packing for last minute.

i called a taxi and in a matter of less than 5 minutes they were here.

the car ride was short and soon enough we where in the airport.

as soon as i stepped out of the taxi cab a sworn of paparazzi rushed over to me flashing their big cameras in my face and asking me tons of questions.

"alexa will you be modeling at the dolce and gabbana show tomorrow night?!" one said.

"alexa what are your latest news on your campaign with gucci?!"

"are you and jack gilinsky dating?!" my head shot up at the question. me and jack dating? how is that even possible.

i decided to just stay quiet and walk calmly into the airport; with security keeping the paparazzi at a far proximity from me allowing me to check in and finally make my way to my gate.

i still had an extra 10 minutes left until my plane started boarding so i decided to go get a drink somewhere. i walked into a small coffee stand and order something to keep me awake.

"oh my lanta! are you alexa taylor?!" i turned my body around to see a 14-15 year old girl behind me.

"hi sweety!" i smiled kindly at her and that seemed to make her even more excited.

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