What you do comes back to me

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*You are a polite, kind, caring person but you are not afraid to stand up for yourself and put people in their place.Rarely your anger got the better of you and it doesn't always end well.Since you are the girlfriend of Joey Mcintire you almost get as much paparazzi as him and you can hardly go anywhere without drowning in cameras and questions.After a little while, you got used to it but sometimes they get too deep making accusations and starting fake stories.

Walking quickly down the street, already stressed, you were hurrying to get groceries for your ill grandparents.After you had to drive to the airport to visit Joey on tour. As you looked at your watch you noticed two people walking closely behind you.

"You were right that is y/n, Joey Mcintires girlfriend right?" One said.

"I know"

"Just think we wouldn't even recognize her if it wasn't for him"

"I can't stand the new kids on the block as you already know, but what a bitch she's probably only with him for the fame" 

'Same old bull coming out of peoples mouths, nothing new.' you thought to your self.As you walked further and further they were still following you and started to make you feel uncomfortable, they kept on talking as if you weren't even there. You were used to this and as long as you knew the truth you were happy but they wouldn't stop.

"such a golddigger" "Bitch" "probably cheats on him 24/7" "she is just using him for fame and to get to the boys"  "bet she loves all the paparazzi"

You couldn't take it anymore so you stopped bringing the girls to a halt as well.You turned around to see two 17-year-olds giving you dirty looks. "Don't just stop like that" one said in such a disgusting tone. "If you don't like my boyfriend or me then why do you talk about us?"

They both turned to each other "What". "You heard me". "Why would we want to talk about Joey Mcintire and his sl** of a girlfriend, do we look that pathetic" "Clearly because I could hear everything " People in the street stopped and stared and even some men with cameras appeared from out of nowhere.

"How the hell do you have the guts to talk to us like that, everything you do is published to the world"

"Excuse me but how do you have the cheek to talk bull s*** about people you know nothing about"

"Trust me just by looking at you we can tell a lot of things" The taller one spat pocking me in the chest. I pushed her away "Don't you dare touch me" I replied walking away. "Whats the golddigger gonna do punch me?" She grabbed my hair making the blood in my veins boil.

"You asked for it"Everyone came running over and cameras pushed to the front of the circle as I swung at the girl's face. She flew to the floor screaming "sew her! sew her!" I pushed my way past the crowd as cameras caught my every move and the voices of paparazzi bragging about selling the footage off.

Later on, I made my way to the airport and on the plane covering my face with sunglasses. It was a short flight but it felt like it lasted for ages. All I heard was "Did you see the news?" "Joey's girlfriend beat up a fan" "y/fn y/ln knocked out a 12-year-old " "He's gonna break up with her now" "Was she arrested?" It was all wrong, she wasn't a fan, she wasn't 12, she was conscious., she touched me first.I was so happy to get off the plane but I also had to face the rest of the world that probably knew.

I called for a cab still keeping my face covered and asked to be driven to the Beacon Hotel.Once I arrived I hurried in already knowing his room number. 156, 157,158,159 finally.

I knocked hoping he would hurry. "What were you thinking!" Joey said in frustration running his fingers through his hair.I quickly shut the door behind me whilst he pointed to the tv. "You are on every channel!" (flicks channel) "this one" (flicks channel) "this one" (flicks channel) "this one" (flicks channel) "th-" "Joey yes I get the message that one as well" he dropped the remote.  "You get it, you get it? If you got it you wouldn't have punched someone. You don't understand people are always watching you" he then started to pace back and forth "Joey have you seen the whole video of what happened?" he stopped " well no bu-" " exactly there was paparazzi following me even before I stopped, you find a full video somewhere and you will hear them talking about you, me and the boys. When I stopped they touched me first."

"Still what you do is a reflection of me, every article about this will have my name in it.This is such bad publicity for the band Morice will kill us not just you both of us for your! screw up"

"Look, Joe, I am sorry it was stupid of me because I know that people are always watching and yes I should have just walked away but I couldn't and when she touched me I just went over the edge"

He started to reply but you were to focused on the familiar faces on tv. "Stop a second turn the tv up" It was the two girls

"So we were walking down the street when we saw y/n, we are massive fans of the new kids so we wanted to talk to her, we asked for an autograph then out of no were she just punched me."

Joe turned towards me with a face of disbelief as I done the same.She was lying.

"Wait, young lady, haven't I interviewed you before about 2 months ago? Yes, you are the one who damaged the tour bus tires and threw rocks at the boy's windows."

Her face dropped.Then a man came running up behind her " no that is not what happened, she is lying.I have the whole thing on tape" He explained in so much detail it was unreal.Once he finished they showed pictures of the girls following me, and everything else.

"So you didn't knock out a fan?" Joe asked slumping on the bed.

"Obviously not, I would never" 

He then started to laugh, "What, whats so funny?" I asked 

"I can't believe you did that! Oh my gosh she deserved it" he laughed"You can punch"

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