Why Didn't You Tell Me - pt 1

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Before the New Kids blew up you were always close friends with John and both developed feelings towards each other. Before the first album was recorded John asked you to be his girlfriend and you happily accepted. Everyone always said that you were both so cute together and where the dream couple, and that was true, yes you had little arguments but you were both very happy and in love. You supported John through every part of being a New Kid and helped him with his anxiety, he was embarrassed to open up to you and didn't want to seem weak but you understood and cared for him all the way.   

Sadly, as the band grew bigger and bigger and more tours took place to be longer every time, you grew depressed. You missed John so much and he felt the same way, not wanting to put you or himself through any more pain he broke up with you but it only made you worse. Thinking that he didn't want anything to do with you made you feel so stupid for having such strong feelings towards someone who didn't feel the same. But he did.

One day you got up out of bed finally feeling a little bit like your old self, you grabbed a pencil about to write something on your calendar when you realize. You are three weeks late on your period. You didn't know what to think, you don't usually miss periods. Leaning back you put all your weight on your wall and scanned your room aimlessly, after a few minutes you decide to brush it off and blame it on not looking after your self ever since the breakup. The week went on and you finally believed that you were on the way to finding happiness again but then you started to feel strange, anger and frustration drew to you a lot easier and you always felt out of place. Again, nothing crossed your mind but the fact that you had just gotten over a depressive stage and your emotions are still all over the place. Then it escalated and became physical. You felt ill, lightheaded and threw up every now and again. "I just have a stomach bug," you told you self. You were wrong. You friend Cassy came over one morning and handed you a pregnancy test. She explained, connecting all the dots and it made sense, you took the test and it came back positive...


You didn't know what to do. You believed John didn't want anything to do with you, he wouldn't care. You couldn't tell him, you knew he was stressed. So you kept it a secret. Luckily, your relationship with John was unknown by the press and the fans but not your town, so you moved away with Cassy and your Mum to the other side of Boston.

You had a little baby girl called Rose and she looked so much like John. When she turned one you all moved back to Boston. You would have to make up a lie about where you were and who Rose is, it wasn't going to be easy. You missed your home so much but being back really made you think. Laying in your bed back in your old room made you realize that almost two years ago you were heartbroken and didn't know how you were going to survive, but now you are so happy with your baby girl after she changed your life and you did it without John.

Jordans P.O.V-

I am so happy that I finally have some time off to come back home and chill, I have really missed Boston so I need to take it in while I can. I walk through the park when I recognize a familiar face.


Your P.O.V-

I heard my name and was scared to look up from Rose's pram. I kept on walking keeping my eyes on her but my name was called again and I knew who it was.

I looked up "Hi Jordan, I didn't know you were back," I said unintentionally inviting him over.

"I can't believe how much you have changed, but in a good way," he said with a slight laugh bringing his eyes to Rose.

"I know what you mean, look at you. Little street dancer Jordan Knight to superstar Jordan Knight"  I replied lightly hitting him on the arm.

"So who's this?" he asked pointing towards the pram taking a close look at her.

I couldn't make up some massive elaborate lie, or act like she wasn't mine, or tell the truth. Keep it minimal?

"Oh, this little lady is Rose" short and sweet, to the point. Right?

"She is such a pretty girl" he put his hand to her and she grabbed his finger giggling as he smiled "she's yours right?"

 She's your niece, I thought to myself.

"Yea, that's my little baby girl" I smiled waving to her.

Jordan faced back to me "Wow, when did you have her. Is dad from around here" he asked innocently.

My brain froze.What do I say? I almost forgot how to speak as I just stared at him lost. I went to say something, but the story I had made in those matter of seconds wouldn't have worked.

"Urm, she is one and a half now so, I had her a year and a half ago.The time really does fly" I said hoping I sounded normal.

He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to go on. But I didn't.

"Oh, I'm so sorry y/n. I really don't get how men can just get up and leave. You know about my dad so just knowing that you and Rose are going through that breaks my heart"

I felt bad, he didn't leave Rose and I to fend for ourselves. He doesn't even know she exists. 

Again I just stood there silent.

"Wait, or does he not even know?"

I nodded, I didn't want to say anymore, but I was so sick of this secret.

He was about to say something, but I just took the lid of the bottle and let it spill.

"It's Johnathan "

Jordan just looked at me, eyebrows knitted together, his face tense.

I picked Rose up out of the pram and held her to face Jordan."Sweetie, this is your uncle Jordan" I said to her taking her hand and making her wave. His face loosened and his eyes widened. I explained everything on a simple park bench and told him that he could tell John if he wanted or keep it a secret. Whatever he felt was best.

He knows the new Johnathan. I don't. 

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