Two- Roses

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Cars fly by me as I walk down the street. Horns blow and birds scatter throughout the city as people bustle around. A smile is plastered on my face, even though my heels are digging into my skin. Nothing can take away my happy mood.
Clayton and I had texted all throughout the week, always finding something to talk about. Every morning I woke up to a good morning text, and I went to sleep with a wish of sweet dreams.

My heels click against the hard sidewalk as I make my way to the cafe. I can't help but let out a tiny squeal when the sign comes into view. My heart begins to pound in my chest as I near closer.

Second thoughts about my choice of outfit runs through my head. It was a simple pink skirt with a white top and a jean jacket with heels. The autumn wind blows my hair to my face. I push back my frizz consumed curly hair that is practically unmanageable. I try to smooth out the lion mane on my head, but it does virtually nothing.

I take a final breath to help calm my beating heart as I arrive at the door. A bell rings as the door opens, and people turn to look at me. I scan their faces, but I don't find the one I am here to meet. Worry beings to pool inside me as I search for Clay. The thought of being stood up sends pains to my chest.

I take a couple shallow breaths and convince myself that he is coming. I stand in line to wait to order, trying to decide what I want while refraining from panicking about Clay not being here yet. I check the time repeatedly, as if the two minutes that have passed will magically turn into two hours.

'He did say noon, right? Calm down, Rosalind. It is only......11:55' I say to myself, 'It isn't even noon yet.'

I hear the bell ding behind me, but I don't turn around. Instead, I play on my phone to look busy. I uncomfortably shift my weight from one foot to the other as I hear footsteps behind me. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn around. My heart skips a beat, and butterflies flutter in my stomach when I come face to face with Clayton.

"Rosie," He says happily
Heat rises to my cheeks at the sound of the nickname, "Clay,"

He glances down to his hands, causing me to do the same. He holds a small bouquet of roses, three to be exact, freshly wrapped in plastic and a white tie.
Nervousness suddenly spreads across his face.
He holds the beautiful flowers in my direction

"I, um, I passed by a flower shop on the way here." Clay admits bashfully, "I-I thought you might like them."

I let out a tiny, almost inaudible giggle from his cuteness, and gratefully take the flowers from his hands. "Thank you, they are lovely."

He lets out a small breath of relief at my approval.
"Would you like to get something to drink?" Clay suggest
I take in a small gasp. I had forgotten what we were even here for. "Sure." I say quickly
The line has already been served by now, and we are the next ones to order.

"Hi, how may I help you today?" The friendly barista greets us.
"What would you like?" Clay ask me
"Oh, no, I can get mine myself." I say assuringly
He chuckles, "I know; however, this was my idea, so it is only proper that I pay." He says, contradicting me with a smug grin.
"Fine," I huff, "a hot chocolate, please."
Clay raises his eyebrows at me in surprise. I shrug. "I'm not one for coffee." I admit.
He chuckles and orders mine and his drink, paying for them too.

We step off to the side to wait for our orders. I admire the soft, deep red petals of the roses as we wait. Felling the velvety texture of he petals, the plastic crinkles lightly in my palm. Clay looks to me from the corner of his eye, and a content smile spreads across his face.

"You looks amazing." Clayton says
"Thank you, you do too." I say, rocking back and forth on my toes. I take in his appearance quickly while he returns the thank you. He is wearing a light blue button up shirt with tan pants. His hair is styled into a neat quiff that is practically perfect. The butterflies return when my eyes meet his. I shyly  advert my eyes from his and look back to the ground.

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