Five - Time

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I smile as the smell of food greets me when I walk through the door to the diner. I had decided during work to swing by to grab Clay and I dinner since he's coming to my house later.

I order myself a turkey club and Clay the burger he asked for and go sit down in an empty chair at the counter to wait. My phone dings, drawing my attention to a new message.

"I want you to meet Nick. Can he come over later?" The message from Clay says. Nick is Clay's best friend. He had told me countless stories of their times in college. I text back a quick 'sure' before focusing my attention back on listening for my food order.

"Should I pick up something for him too?" I ask Clay
"No, he said he would get something to eat before coming over." Clay text back

I close my phone and go back to waiting for the food.
A man with dark brown hair and scrubs sits a seat away from me, presumably to wait for his food also. I notice him stealing glances my way every once in a while, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat. After a few minutes, he spins in his seat to fully face me.

"Excuse me," he says, looking to me, "I'm so sorry to both you, but is your name Rosalind?"
Confusion spreads across my face and my hands clench around my phone.
"Maybe, who are you?" I ask cautiously
He chuckles nervously before extending a hand to me. "I'm Clay's friend Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nick." He says immediately
Relief washes through me, and I smile, taking his hand in mine to return the handshake.
"Sorry, I know it's weird to just randomly meet someone. Clay has shown me pictures of you two, and I'm good at remembering faces."

Our attention is pulled away and to the waitress calling out someone's order, but it's neither of ours.

"So, Clay talks about me?" I ask hopefully
He chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair.
"Only every chance he gets." He laughs. "I swear, I hear so much about you that sometimes I feel like I'm dating you, and I'm gay."

I'm taken off guard, as I wasn't expecting him to come out so bluntly, yet I'm happy for him for being so proud of himself that he didn't hesitate. We both laugh and look around the room.

"What's with the scrubs?" I ask
"Clay didn't tell you?" Nick ask confusedly
I shake my head no and wait for him to continue.
"We work together. I'm the pediatric dentist in our office." Nick says proudly

My breath catches in my throat. I struggle to not have a reaction to the news. I immediately want to get away from him, at least until I can calm down and process the information.

"Good for you." I force out

The waitress hands me a bag filled with my food, and I yank it up as quickly as I can.

"See you later." I say hurriedly. I don't give Nick time to answer, and, instead, I race out of the diner with the food and into my car.

Worry fills me as I realize that he might tell Clay about me running out on him. Hopefully, he will keep it to himself, and I can come up with an excuse later.

I make it home quickly due to the diner being just a few blocks away from my apartment. I set the food on the counter, and begin to clean up before Clay comes. I turn on music, but it is soon drowned out by the sound of running water when I start washing dishes.

It isn't long before I hear a knock on my door. It swings open, and I glance back to see a happy Clay walking to me. I feel his arms wrap around my waist, and a smile forms across my lips.

"Hi, beautiful." Clay says, pulling me into his body and nuzzling his face into my neck after placing a kiss to my cheek.
"Hi, handsome." I respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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