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Clay and I had increasingly been spending more time together. We started visiting each other's homes. Watching movies, having dinner, and just having a good time enjoying each other's company.
At this point, it's safe to say that he is my favorite person to be with.

I send him a quick "I'm here," text as I was coming up the elevator to his apartment. As the doors open, I step out and turn the corner to head to Clay's door, 221b. I feel my phone ding right before I reach the door.

"The door is unlocked, just come in."

I give a light knock as I twist the knob, calling out clays name as I step through into the spacious apartment.

"I'm here!" I call out after not seeing him
"In the kitchen," Clay calls out

I make my way to the kitchen, getting confused when I don't see him immediately like I expected. Suddenly, I feel something thump against my leg, followed by many more flying by me. My head snaps to where they came from as I try to jump away, only to see Clay crouched behind a flipped over chair, holding a nerf gun, with a wide grin on his face.

Adrenaline spreads in me when I look around and don't see another nerd gun to defend myself with.

"This isn't fair, I don't have one!" I yell
Clay laughs, "All is fair in love and war, baby."

I yelp as Clay begins to fire more foam darts at me, and lunge to grab the oven pan sitting on the stove to use as a shield. Hurriedly, I run around trying to avoid getting shot while picking up darts and throwing them back at Clay. Laughter fills the air from us, creating a fun filled vibe throughout the home.

"Wait! I need to reload!" Clay shouts frantically as I continue to pelt him with the darts I have stored in the folded hem of my shirt.
"Nope!" I laugh back, running up to him and throwing more at him.

Clay abandons the nerf gun and begins copying me by picking up the darts on the ground and hurling them at me. We sprint throughout the apartment, laughing and badly throwing the darts at each other, until Clay unexpectedly throws me over his shoulder, causing me to shriek. He tosses me onto the couch and lays on top of me with a final laugh. Grinning, our eyes meet as we catch our breath.

It had quickly grown apparent that Clay was a kid at heart. He desired any type or sweet or dessert at all times, and he had the same overly active imagination as a six year old. But it was what I liked most about him. I loved not having to worry about doing something silly, and we could joke around all the time without judging each other.

"Hi," I say, finally getting the chance to greet him
"Hi there." He smiles down at me, "kiss?"

I happily lean up, and he sets a soft peck to my lips, making us both smile. Clay always asked for permission before kissing me. Small kisses he would steal any time he could, but when he wanted a real kiss, he always made sure I wanted it too. I never asked why, but it didn't bother me. I liked it.

Clay glances down, his eyes meeting my chest and his eyes widening. "I like those." He says, talking about my breast. I roll my eyes and push his shoulder lightheartedly. "What? They're nice." He says defensively
"You're such a guy." I say playfully,  secretly glad Clay thought I was attractive. 
"Well, last time I checked, I was still very much a guy." He laughs

His laugh turns into a yawn, and I instantly reach up and poke his tongue unexpectedly. His yawn stops immediately, and he gets a confused look on his face.

"What the hell, that was so unsatisfying." He groans, letting his head fall to my shoulder.

I giggle, "I missed you," I say, running my hand through his hair.
"I missed you too." Clay mumbles into my neck before placing a light kiss to my jaw.

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