Chapter Eleven

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Walking into the kitchen they find Clarence talking to a woman.
"Hey! How are you adjusting?" He asks smiling when he sees her.
"It's.... different," Livia answers not wanting to insult anyone. He just chuckles at her response, as he hands her the blood bag he was heating up for himself. "thank you," She tells him tearing it open.
"I bet! This is Kaitlyn, my sister," He says gesturing to the woman. Livia waves to her with a smile.
"It's so nice to meet you Livia. It's so strange living with a halfling after spending all of my school years learning about your kind," she gushes with a big grin. Livia just gives a small awkward giggle not sure how to respond to the excitement. Looking at the siblings she doesn't sense them being very old.
"How old are you?" She asks them curiously.
"I'm 48 I think. I don't pay too much attention to years when I'm going to be around so long," Clarence shrugs.
"I'm 28," Kaitlyn answers.
"Baby vamps," Max tells her.
"Shut up Max," Kaitlyn snaps at him. Clearly she is not a Max fan. Livia looks at Max curiously and he shakes her head at her telling her now is not the time.
"Clarence you should come to the training room with me some time!" She says excitedly. He laughs at her.
"Let me guess Elex had you on the ground more times than you can count," he guesses correctly still chuckling. She just glares sourly at him in response.
"I may not be old like him and Maxie here but I was trained by Elex. I'll definitely train with you though little halfling," he tells her ruffling her hair. She swats his hand away.
"Good," she smiles at him, "I look forward to it." He laughs as he takes out his bag from the warm water.
"How was your first lesson with Issac?" He asks curiously.
"It was interesting. I didn't know that I couldn't die from a stake. The werewolves don't teach much about halflings because to be honest they think halflings are just urban legends," she shrugs. Max looked at her and grinned.
"What?" She asks, wiping her face thinking she has blood on it.
"You said 'they' when you were talking about the wolves, not 'us'," he answers but she just rolls her eyes at him.
"I want to go learn a little more from Isaac before the sun comes up because he said he would talk more about the whole mates thing. Have you guys found you're mates?" She rambles.
"No, it's harder for vampires to find their mates since we are around longer than wolves the goddess decided to make it more difficult. The guys can tell more than the girls. The guys pretty much fall in love at first sight but the girls just feel a pull. You don't know that person is your mate until you let them feed on you. I hear that is pure bliss, even better than just letting any vampire feed," Clarence says with a far away look in his eyes.
"Come on Liv lets go see if Isaac is in his classroom," Max says grabbing her hand and pulling her to the class. When they get there Isaac is sitting at his desk reading a news paper.
"Hello Livia, Maxwell," he greets them kindly. She smiles back truly enjoying being around him.
"Hello Isaac, do you have time to tell me a little bit more?" She asks hopefully.
"We can discuss the next halfling, her story is tragically short," he says with a grimace. She sits in the same bean bag and this time Max sits on the couch.
"About 100 years after the death of Ursula, Mary was born. She grew up with Vampires because her father took her from her mother when she was only 2. On her nineteenth birthday she was out looking for blood when she heard a growl and turned around to growl back at the creature only to find a werewolf. The wolf that happened to be her mate-."

"So do I have a werewolf mate or a vampire mate??" Livia interrupts urgently.
"Patience Livia," He tells her. "Mary left with Donald, her mate, not even thinking about the Vampires. However when she gets to the werewolf community the alpha locks her up in a secure cellar so that the vampires can not steal her back. Donald visited her everyday but he could not get her out because of the Alpha's orders. Mary spent 6 months imprisoned when her wolf finally came alive with in her, begging her to do something. She demanded to be let out, this is when she discovered her commands hold more power than an alphas. The guards bowed to their knees under the weight of her wolf's voice and instantly let her out. She quickly found Donald and they took off running from the packs."
"How do you know all this?" She interrupts again.
"For Ursula I know from Journals. Mary..... Mary was my daughter," he answers with sadness in his eyes. Livia's eyes widen at how old he is.
"Isaac if this is too painful to speak about it, you do not have to," she tells him urgently, not wanting to cause the old vampire any pain.
"It's okay Livia, that was another lifetime," he insists giving her a small smile. "I found Mary a few months later with a group of vampires. We took her and Donald in under our protection. Unfortunately within our small clan was Mary's vampire mate as well. It came down to a battle between the two mates. When Mary found them she was heart broken and tried to jump in the middle. Donald tore her head off by mistake," he says with a sigh.
"That is horrible!" Livia gasps feeling tears fill her eyes.
"You need not focus on my daughters death. I know you have many questions let's focus on those," he tells her, almost pleading her not to speak of Mary any more.
"So I could have two mates?" She asks slightly confused.
"No Livia you do have two mates. A werewolf and a vampire," he answers. "With any luck you'll meet your werewolf mate then after he dies you'll meet your vampire mate."
"I am going to ask you something, but you can't tell anyone. Okay?" She asks nervously.
"Of course Princess," he answers, earning a playful glare from Livia at his formal wording.
"Could Mary see the future sometimes?" She asks staring at his face wanting to measure his reaction. He takes in a sharp breath of air and looks at her incredulously.
"Only one halfling has ever been able to do that Livia. That is very special and very powerful. Can you control it?" He asks excitedly.
"Not really. I mean sometimes I can relax and it will come but it hurts like hell," She tells him.
"Maybe we could work on that. I'll study up on it and we will see," he says looking thoughtful.
"We are going to head to bed. Thank you Isaac," Max says standing up. Livia follows suit and quickly gives Isaac a hug. He stiffens at first but hugs her back quickly. Once out in the hall she turns to Max.
"Race you to the room!" She challenges and takes off to the room. She knows he can't back down from a challenge but she does not feel him behind her. She shrugs and flings open the door.
"Oh come on! How?" She exclaims at Max who is laying on the bed.
"I know a short cut," he shrugs.
"Whatever, I'm taking a shower," she says heading to the bathroom shutting the door a little louder than necessary. She hates losing and that's all she's done today. She gets undressed and climbs in the warm shower. She hears the bathroom door click open and closed then a few moments later Max climbs in the shower with her. She turns around and stares at the sexy being and licks her lips unconsciously. He leans down and plants a kiss on her lips. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him under the warm water with her. She loves the extra wide shower head and makes a mental note to get one in their next apartment.
"So, why doesn't Kaitlyn like you?" She asks while scrubbing shampoo into her long hair.
"Really? This is your shower talk?" He questions clearly annoyed. His hands run down her sides as she has her head leaned back rinsing the suds away.
"Yes, yes it is," she answers letting the water run down her body. Max reaches for his shampoo and starts washing his hair. Liv watches as some bubbles escape down his muscular back.
"She has a crush on me, we hooked up once before I met you," he shrugs.
"Oh," was all she could come up with as a response. They finish their shower in silence. Back in their bedroom Max pulls on a pair of boxers and she slips on underwear and one of his shirts.
"You know, I've had to double my wardrobe just to clothe you," he teases her. She smiles at him and climbs into bed next to him. He wraps his arm around her and she lays her head on his chest.
" I have to go back to the covens to check in tomorrow," He tells her.
"Please be careful Max. I hate that you go to that place just to keep tabs on what they know about me,"she mutters. Suddenly she's worrying that something horrible is going to happen to Max this time. He kisses the top of her head calming her slightly. Suddenly she thought back to the lesson with Isaac and she got really sad realizing there is someone out there destined for Max.
"Have you found your mate Max?" She asks a little nervous. He tenses under her.
"Liv..." He says trailing off. She sat up staring at him.
He has found his mate, he just doesn't know how to tell me because he doesn't want to hurt me, she thought to herself feeling a tear escape down her cheek. This was it, he was about to break her heart.

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