Chapter Seventeen

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Livia walks through the door to the vampire house. She made sure she was back before the sun set so no one would notice her absence. She feels lighter and happier than usual. For the first time in four years she feels like she has a place to be her. At the compound she can be her vampire self and with Riley and the other guys she gets to let her wolf out. She's finally found a balance she just has to keep them separate from each other, because at the end of the day they are wolves and vampires. Climbing into bed she inhaled Max's scent and closes her eyes with a smile on her face.
She woke once again to knocking on her door and she groans at these peoples insistent need to interrupt her sleep. Opening the door she find Jordan and his mom standing there.
"Good morning Princess," Jordan greets her with a grin.
"Good morning handsome," she smiles down at him before turning a questioning look to his mom.
"Hi... um Elex has summoned you to his office," she said a little nervous.
"Summoned?" She questioned raising one eyebrow. "Am I in trouble with the principle?"
The girl looked very uncomfortable with Livia making fun of her leader. So she just nodded and waved at Jordan before closing her door. Livia quickly showers scrubbing away Riley's scent and throws his shirt in her growing pile of dirty clothes. Once she is dressed in a T-shirt and yoga pants she makes her way to Elex's office.
She looks at the oak door taking a calming breath before raising her fist to knock. Before she made contact with the door she heard his voice "come in Livia."
Hesitantly she opens the door to see the ancient vampire sitting casually at his desk. He nods his head at the chair across from him and she sits down.
"Hello," she waves awkwardly. His face softens and she swears she sees his lips twitch toward a smile.
"Hello child," He says warmly.
"Look Elex-" she starts but he raises his hand to stop whatever she was about to say.
"I understand that you resent me for not telling you who I was. Especially when your parents died and you were left alone. I did not want to come into your life and disturb it if I was not your father. Then you wanted to avoid your vampire side so I settled with Maxwell watching over you. I know that you do not see me as a father and I accept that. I have eternity with you as long as you are safe. I want to know you Livia. However more than anything I want you safe," He tells her looking her in the eyes. She feels a tear tail down her face. For the first time is 4 years she feels herself falling apart completely in front of someone. Elex looked shocked and slightly uncomfortable. Embarrassed she wipes at her eyes and stands up to leave. Before she can even take a step she feels arms hesitantly wrap around her. Without hesitation she wraps her arms around his waist and lets herself cry while Elex holds her. He strokes her hair while quietly assuring her he was there to help her with anything. She notices he doesn't say everything will be okay because they both know it won't be. After a couple of minutes the tears stop and she pulls back.
"I'll have April bring us some coffee and we will talk, or sit here whatever you need Livia," he says seriously. She nods and sits on the couch that is against the wall. Elex sets down his phone and grabs a book before sitting on the couch with her. He silently opens the book and started reading. Livia enjoys the silent company as she gathers her scattered thoughts. Someone brought her a cup of coffee and to her surprise Elex got one too. He continues to read his book and drink the coffee.
"I found wolf friends," she says breaking the silence. Elex sets his book down and turns his attention to her.
"How?" He asks curiously.
"I found out Max has a mate and-"
"HE HAS A MATE AND IS STILL WITH YOU?" He bellows. Livia notes that she gets her tendency to interrupt from him.
"I'll get to that be patient. So anyways I freaked out and broke his neck so he wouldn't tell me anything else. I ran out and spent the morning in town. I bumped into some rogues and then ended up following them to their hangout area. They are actually very nice and don't care that I'm a halfling. They aren't part of the packs because the packs abandoned their loved ones and they hate vampires because they own wolves," she notices his face harden when she mentioned the owned wolves.
"A horrendous practice," he mutters. She nods in  agreement before continuing.
"They protected me when wolves came lookin for me. Also it turns out I am Max's mate. So yay I found my vampire mate. But I have this horrible feeling that he is in danger and I can't help myself from falling apart. I felt alone for most of my life, but if Max dies I don't think I could take that. He's made me feel cared for and protected since I met him."
"Liv, if you trust the wolves then I trust you. Maxwell is perfectly safe. He's on a mission looking for you in Mexico right now," he said trying to comfort her.
"What? How do you know?" She asks suspiciously.
"He has to check in every 6 hours so we know they aren't coming for you," Elex explains.
"Oh, and he never thought to tell me this?" She asks in disbelief.
"I do not know darling. Tell me more about your wolf friends," he says changing the subject. Elex enjoys watching his daughters face light up at the mention of her new acquaintances.
"They are a family. They didn't object to me at all and didn't even hesitate to protect me and even went as far as to allow me to feed when I had to shift," She tells him grinning.
"What are their names?" Elex asks curiously.
"Riley, Ryan-" she started but he cuts in.
"I know them. Good bunch of kids," he says smiling approvingly. Livia looks at him in shock.
"Do you know everyone?" She asks incredulously.
"I make it my business to know the other supernatural creatures that live in my backyard," He tells her. She nods feeling stupid for not thinking he wouldn't know them in the first place.
"So you're okay with me going and seeing them?" She questions.
"Would it stop you even if I said no?" He asks raising his eyebrows.
"No probably not," she grins at him.
"Just like your mother," he chuckles.
"You you like to tell me about your episode yesterday?" He asks her looking at her observantly.
"I honestly don't know what happened but I hope it never happens again," she answers him truthfully.
"You can see the future," he states instead of asks. She nods and continues to sip her coffee and he goes back to reading his book.

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