Prologue: Searching for a fallen star

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A/N: In the past, I've never been able to complete a novel because my perfectionist / critic side always comes to the fore after a few chapters, and suddenly everything I write just becomes absurdly badly-written in my eyes.

So, as a personal challenge, I'm aiming to write one chapter per week (for this story) because this time, I'm determined to finish writing the novel. 

I know I'm not the best novelist, I don't even know if I would be considered a good novelist, since I'm more accustomed to writing flash fiction/short stories. But I really hope you'll give this story a chance and support me on this writing journey.

Thanks :) Sorry for this super long A/N. 

- Kath


She watches. A streak of timid light is tumbling down, momentarily lighting up a particle of the black sky, and a smile tugs at her lips as she breathes a wish, her hands stuffed into her jean pockets. The winds picks up speed and soon it is roaring in her ears but all she feels is a strange calmness as she sits upon the wet grass and watches the falling star.

She remembers when she was five. The first time she witnessed a shooting star. She remembers bursting through her papa's door and dragging him from his crumpled sheets, then jumping up and down, squealing and pointing out the window. She remembers her papa rubbing his sleep-ridden eyes as she pulled at his arm, demanding that they go find the injured star. And he had sighed with resignation, agreeing, and there they were, father and daughter, wandering the silent streets at two in the morning, with the father thinking of sleep and his daughter thinking only of a fallen star upon the clammy pavement. But even as the first shreds of light were warming up her cheeks and accentuating the dark bags beneath her papa's eyes, they found nothing. Nothing but the defeated shoulders of a girl who believed in mending broken stars. 

She remembers her papa lifting her chin up with his cold fingers and looking into her eyes with his deep gray ones, and she remembers his words loud and clear as the falling star disappears into the black veil.

"Don't give up Anna. One day you'll find your fallen star."

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