chapter 29

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"I see them, they're moving!" Someone yelled over the walkie. "I count two, three, I don't know, man, there's too many of them!"

A gun went off.

"Who was that?" Bellamy asked.

"Sterling, I think," Miller answered.

Several more gunshots. I sent a worried look to Brooklyn.

"South foxhole, South foxhole, are you okay?" Bellamy said into the radio.

"Yeah, were okay. They didn't attack, it's like shooting at ghosts," the walkie responded.

My eyes widened. When figures began running horizontally in front of us and Monroe and Miller began shooting, I put a hand in front of Brooklyn's gun. "Stop shooting! They're using our bullets!" I yelled at them.

After Bellamy and I failing to get them to stop, he told them to reload.

"Those were our last clips," Miller said.

I grimaced.

"We should fall back," Monroe said weakly.

"Were the front line," I said. "If we fall back, then there's nobody protecting the front anymore. Get it?"

When people continued to shoot, I held my hand out to Miller. "Give me the radio," I told him. When he gave me a questioning look, I repeated, "Give me the freaking radio."

When he handed it to me reluctantly, I gripped the buttons and said into it, "If you have a gun, stop getting so trigger happy and don't shoot. They're not attacking because they're trying to waste our ammo."

"Carson's right," Bellamy said. "Do not fire until you are sure it's an attack, repeat, do not fire until you are sure."

I ignored the talk as Jasper and Clarke spoke over the radio.

When a loud boom went off, I literally jumped. When I realized that our mines actually worked, I grinned. "Hallelujah," I sighed.

When we heard more gunfire and yells, I looked closely into the trees.

"Fuck," I mumbled.

"Here they come!"

When guns went off beside me, I immediately stood up and grabbed the gun from behind my back, holding it in my left hand, my sword on my right.

An army of grounders ran towards us.

When they got close to us, I literally sprinted towards them, knowing if I hesitated, I'd be screwed. So, when one grounder, a large beard and a bulky body came towards me with an evil grin, I gritted my teeth.

I felt like I could do anything with the amount of adrenaline pumping through me right now.

With a battle cry, I swung my sword in the air, clashing with his. The grounders passed us, leaving me for the man in front of me. We hit swords a couple more times, but that was just a distraction. I needed an opening to use my gun on his leg.

When he hit my sword hard enough to send me on the ground, I dropped my sword and gripped my gun with both hands, shakily taking a breath and aiming it at his knee.

Well, it sure wasn't a kill shot.

This time, when I pulled the trigger, I didn't jerk, or scream. It went right into his kneecap, sending him groaning and to the ground. I stood up and grunted as I stomped on his bullet wound, before I began running around again.

I saw a grounder beginning to run towards the gates, so I ran towards them with all my strength, and when they saw me, I fell to my knees, sliding across the ground and slicing both of the backs of their legs with my sword. I quickly got up from the ground and watched him groan and fall to his knees. When they tried to stand up, I reeled back my leg and kicked them straight in the face, sending them flying into the dirt.

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