Chapter 13 "Call me Akihiko!"

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Chapter 13

Misaki slotted his key into the high class apartments lock and entered it, blinking at the thick cigarette smoke. He made his way across the over sized room and over to the large bay windows. "Hn" he grumbled to himself, "this place is so big I don't know on earth he manages to fill it up with smoke!" Misaki sighed knowing that Usagi only smoked this much when something put him in a bad mood and that he really should be in a bad mood as he'd just finished a book and therefore was no longer in trouble with his editor.

"But" Misaki told himself, "I really shouldn't pretend to have any real clue to how this mans mind works it'll just give me a headache."

Misaki headed up to his room and began to attempt to make some sort of headway with his mounting pile of homework. He was just finishing his first question when the phone rang. He was halfway down the stairs to get it when he saw an extremely grumpy looking Usagi picking it up.

"Hello?" He growled down the phone line.


"Yes thank you...hnnn"


"...Goodbye." And with that he slammed the phone down and stormed back to his study. Misaki decided it would be a good idea just to get back to his homework as it really needed doing if he didn't want to get pelted with chalk. He was tired enough without having to pull an all nighter to get it done.

Misaki had just settled down to work when the braying of the telephone broke the silence again. This time he was only just outside of his room when the towering pillar of grumpiness that was Usagi picked up the phone.

"Yes this is Usami"

Hearing the tone of his landlords voice Misaki retreated back inside his room again this time managing to nearly write five whole sentences before the phone rang again.

The time after that it was only three sentences….and the time after that it was four. By this time Misaki wasn't bothering to react at all to the phone and had nearly finished his first piece of work when he heard a loud crash.

He hurried down the stairs to find the base of the phone lying on the floor several feet away from the by now thoroughly pissed off Usagi who was gripping the hand set so tightly that Misaki thought it might crack.

"Ah Usagi-san" he began tentatively "if the phone calls bother you that much then why don't you just unplug the phone cord like you normally do when you don't want to talk to anyone?"

Usami huffed "Because Aikawa-sensei told me that since I've just published a new book I will have many important people calling to congratulate me so apparently I have to talk to them as part of my job."

Misaki could now understand why Usagi was so pissed off, he absolutely HATED having to please 'important' people. But Misaki knew his seme's strange ways and the fact that Usagi wouldn't hesitate to blow off his work if he didn't feel like it and so he was curious to why Usagi would be bothering.

"Ah are you"

"Why am I doing as Aikawa says for once?" Usagi finished for him. Misaki nodded mutely, "Well because she has evilly threatened to give YOU veto power over my next BL novel if I don't"

Misaki flushed crimson. How did all of his conversations with Usagi always end up with something pervy?

"Ah ok'll be making dinner in a couple of hours then." And then Misaki escaped back to his homework, which he really wasn't enjoying as he found literature very difficult and the only reason he was even bothering to do the homework was because otherwise he would be pelted with chalk and screamed at.

Don't let go of that hand... (BoyxBoy) Junjou Romantica fanfiction +18Where stories live. Discover now