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When Nicole saw Jackson posted was when they were all hanging out. Jinyoung,youngjae,yugyeom,bambam, Jb, mark,and Jackson all heard Nicole gasp.

Nicole looked at Jackson and Nicole eyes said Nicole answered before she could say it, Jackson already new Nicole answer.

"Jb can I talk to you outside it," Nicole said still looking into Jackson eyes. "Yeah," Jb answered not worried at all.

Nicole and Jb got up and walked a little bit ahead of the group.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Jb asked while looking at Nicole. But what Jb heard next shocked him.

"I'm breaking up with you." Nicole straight forward said.

"Why?" Was all Jb could say.

"I don't love you no more, my heart belongs to someone else, I been cheating on you Jb for the lasted 7-8 month's and I feel guilty." Nicole revealed what she been hiding.

"Who is he!" Jb scream out of anger. "Who was it," Jb calming said again.

"I can't tell you, I really am sorry Jb but he stolen my heart, I love him not you," Nicole relied.

In the back:

"What do you think Nicole has to tell him,"bambam asked.

"I don't know." Mark said.

Jackson phone started to go off he pick the phone up it was someone trying to sell him something but he used the phone call as a a way to get away from here.

"I have to go to work guys someone messed up on something and I have to go an fixes it," Jackson said.

"Okay," the other said but as Jackson was about to leave he hear it "who is he?"
Before Jackson left he turn over to the rest and said "I know what Nicole going to tell him after Nicole said it I think you should comfort Jb," then Jackson left leaving the other confused.

Back to Nicole and Jb:

"I will get going,"  Nicole said.

"When you find out who he is,don't blame him because it ain't his  fault but it's mine's," Nicole final words before she left Jb confused,angering,and most of all heartbroken.

After Nicole left the other went to Jb and asked what happened. "I will tell you later but can we go to one of y'all houses and spend the night there," Jb request.

"Yeah," youngjae said.

"Where Jackson?" Jb asked. "Work emergency," was all jinyoung said.

I'm going to write a little bit of how Jb is handling the break up but other than that the book is fully gonna be about Jackson and Nicole now.

~Time skip~


💖1,500 likesShe officially mine's, she my baby girl,she my lover,she is my happiness,she is my girlfriend

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She officially mine's, she my baby girl,she my lover,she is my happiness,she is my girlfriend. I love her.
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💖1,135 likesWe used to be a thing now we are nothing because I left you

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We used to be a thing now we are nothing because I left you. I'm sorry but I guess it took me knowing someone else to release if I love you I'll be with you but I not because I in love with someone else, I guess I need a push to know I truly didn't love you. I love him not you. I am sorry if I broke your heart @prdsdef.
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💖946 likesI want to know what he got that I don't have

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I want to know what he got that I don't have. I want to know why you did what you did. Did you ever love me? Are was that a lie?  Even though we broke up like an 2hr ago I still want you even if you cheated on me I still want you back Nicole @Nicole.camila9495.
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~1 hr later~

💖1,000 likesI'm so happy that I'm finally yours and only yours

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I'm so happy that I'm finally yours and only yours. I am glad I have someone like you babe because you are my first real love that I know for sure. Thanks for waiting.
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