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"Don't you ever dare to break that bet because If you do, you will get kicked-out from this school" Marga warned me.

"So you're saying, it's a goodbye for me if I attempt to break that bet?? I asked her.

"I hate repeating myself" Marga rolled her eyes before they left laughing.

Vanessa told me that my papers will be ready in 3 days so I decided to go for a friendship date with Ashley at the mall before I go. We went to Starbucks to buy some coffee.

"It's already Saturday and there are only two days remaining for you to make me happy" Ashley said while drinking her coffee.

" there are two more days remaining for me to make you happy!! Really??? That's not what I'm expecting for you to say" then I pouted my lips.

" what did you expect for me to say, baby??" I took a sip on my coffee.

"I'm expecting you to say 'ahhh... there are only two days for me to be with you, I'm going to miss you cutie-pie' like that" then I pouted my lips again.

"You? Cute? No way...but to be honest, I will really gonna miss you Justine, you mean so much to me" she said sincerely.

"Ahh... thank you Ashley.... I wanna cry!! Come here and give me your biggest hug!!" then we hug each other.

"But I don't want to leave you here with that sad face, so why don't we play arcades??" I suggested.

"Great idea, let's go??" and we went at the WOF (world of fun). We played a lot of games there like basket ball, racing, shooting games and many more. When we got tired, we ate ice cream, I ate rocky road while Ashley ate cookies and cream, these are our favorite desserts.

"It's already night, I'm tired. Let's go home" I said.

"One more thing, can we take a picture?" she asked me "for what??" and she smiled "I want a remembrance of this moment before you go." Then I smiled at her.

"Of course!" we took a picture then we went to the parking lot. I drove the car to Ashley's house and waved her goodbye. Afterwards, I went home.

When I got home, I saw my aunt Rose sleeping on the couch and I saw a beer on the table.

"Are you drunk??" I said to her then I went up stairs. I saw broken frames and vases from the outside of their room.

"Did they fight again??" I murmured. As I enter my room I realized that I'm going to miss this room. I spent a lot of moments and memories with this room, I even remember when I was a kid, I used to cry in this room every time my aunt and uncle fight.

Then I realized that tears are falling down from my eyes. "Why am I crying?" I asked myself.


(Alarm clock is ringing)

I turned off the alarm clock. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen and cooked our breakfast.

I saw my aunt is still sleeping on the couch so I didn't mind to wake her up from her 'ugly rest'.

When I finished my breakfast, I went up stairs and started packing my things. I didn't even mind my uncle and my aunt to tell them than I'm transferring to another school and I'm leaving this house , besides they don't even care.

When I finished packing up my things, I left the house and I invited Ashley for a movie. We are going to watch the Greatest Showman; they said it's really an amazing movie.

"Did you already buy our tickets??" Ashley asked me "uh huh, you seem pretty excited?" I said"Of course I am." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Let's go"Ashley said in an excited tone"Okay" I replied. "Come on Justine!! The movie is already starting"Ashley yelled "You go ahead, I'll just buy some soda and popcorn for the two of us" I said "Oh ok" then she left.

I went at the popcorn stand then I bought two popcorns and sodas. I was about to enter when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Wahh! my popcorn and my soda!!" I picked up the popcorn and soda "I'm, sorry miss, I'll buy you another one" he said it coldly "its!!??" "Me???What??" he asked confusedly.

"You were that guy I saw last time but you disappeared" I can't believe I finally met him.

"You saw me last time??" He asked with a confused look.

"Yeah" I answered.

"When?" he asked.

"Thursday, I was on way home when I saw you" I explained "oh....that day?, I was on way back to my school. By the way, I'm Travis" .

"Oh...I'm Justine, you're handsome...and cute" I said and he chuckled.

"'re beautiful....and cute" then I turned red, and then he chuckled....again.

"You're turning red" he said smiling. I turned away from him because I don't want him to see me blushing; he's the first to say I'm beautiful...and cute. O my god, I'm blushing.

"Wait here; I'll just buy you another popcorn and soda"

"No it's...." he cut me off.

"No, I insist, so you wait here okay??" then he left "am....a hihihi.....okay" I muttered.

He came back with two sodas and two popcorn "Thanks..." I said with a smile "Anytime" he said.

"Are you going to watch that movie??" then he pointed to the poster of the movie 'the greatest showman, now showing' "yeah"

"Can I join you? I already bought a ticket" he asked me "I would say yes if you don't mind, because I have a friend waiting inside" "oh, okay" then he smiled. We entered the cinema and he sat next to me while Ashley is on my other side.

"What took you so long??" then she took her soda and popcorn from me "I met a guy" "really?!!!" she almost yelled. Then everyone said "ssshhh" "sorry" she answered.

"Who is that guy??" she keeps on asking"Shush, your voice is so loud, are we going to watch a movie or I will answer that question?"

"Just answer me"Ashley said "fine!" I said. I ask Travis if he would like to meet my friend and he said no problem.

"Travis this is my friend Ashley"

"Umm.....hey! I'm Ashley" Ashley said while biting her lip, she even grabbed Travis hand to offer Travis a hand shake .

"Travis" Travis said politely. He tried to take his hand back but Ashley won't let him go "your hand is so soft" Ashley said.

"What?" Travis said and I chuckled. I gave Ashley a fake smile with a taste of evil grin telling her to remove her hand from Travis. I pinched Ashley's armpit for her to remove her hand from Travis and she removed it immediately.

"Ouch" she gave me a bad look "go back to what you're doing"I said and she answers 'fine'.

"Are you okay??" I asked Travis and he said "yeah"

"Please tell me If you're not feeling comfortable okay?" then he nodded. Ashley had to go early because her mother called her for an emergency so she left Travis and me. After we finished the movie, Travis and I went to the parking lot.

"Do you mind if I drive you home" Travis offered me "no need to" I answered" I insist" Travis declared . "Ok" I said with a soft voice enough for him to hear. He drove me home and wlI exited his car as soon as I arrived home.




To be continued.........

A GIRL IN A BOYS SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now