Charmed Bracelets

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Bilbo sat in his house, smoking his pipe and blowing smoke rings. He thought about what he wanted for lunch when all of a sudden, there came a knock at the door. Who could it be? Hopefully not the Sackville-Bagginses again. The hobbit huffed at the thought and opened the door. He opened the door to see a familiar face.

Thorina pushed through the doorway and shut the front door. She then shoved Bilbo against the door and kissed him. The hobbit instantly kissed back and turned to where the dwarf was against the door. He held her hands above her while he worked her mouth. Thorina wrapped a leg around her lover's pelvis and brought him as close as possible. The Baggins in turn bit her lip hard, something that drove Thorina mad with lust, but she surprisingly pulled away.

She took her hands down from above and pulled Bilbo's head to her mouth.

"You know how much I would love to ravish you, Bokins, but I want to go down to the stream. I know you just love it there." Thorina said with a sultry tone in her voice. Bilbo anxiously did whatever she said and she led him waistcoat first to the stream.

When they arrived at the stream, the sight was magnificent. The water was rippling and the trees were green and beautiful. "The stream is just lovely, isn't it?" Bilbo said, dreamily. He then felt a hand on his lower back. He sighed happily as it ran up to his shoulders, and suddenly, he was sopping wet. The hobbit resurfaced from the water to see Thorina doubled over laughing.

"So that's how you want to play it, eh?" Bilbo said mischievously. He took the dwarf's leg and pulled her into the water next to him. She gasped as the cold water covered her, and she splashes Bilbo with water. Bilbo laughed and returned the splash. They continued their little game until the sunset. They pulled themselves out of the water and headed back toward Bilbo's home, when they spotted two figures coming towards them.

"Fili. Kili. What are you doing here?" Bilbo asked. This was the Shire, after all. The twins weren't paying him much attention, for their eyes laid lustfully on Thorina.

"Why, we've come for Thorina." Fili said as he walked to Thorina. Bilbo watched as he pulled the princess into a mindblowingly sensual kiss, with his hands up her shirt and her hands sliding to the waistband of his trousers. The hobbit watched in horror as the dwarf woman didn't stop Fili.

Kili then took Thorina and started kissing her, pushing her against a tree. He ran his hands over her body hungrily, her following his lead. Bilbo gasped at the sight. What was Thorina doing? "Thorina, what are you doing?" he said in utter dismay.

Thorina pulled away as Kili kissed her neck and glared at Bilbo. Thorina sneered, "Are you really that dense? I'm welcoming my lovers." She moaned at Kili's lips on her neck, slowly moving down to her chest.

Bilbo looked as if he had just been slapped. "But... but.. I thought you loved me."

Thorina laughed maliciously. "Me? Love you? Ha! Fili and Kili are twice the men you are, much more lovable than you. You can't even fight! And even if I did love you, do you think my kind would ever accept an insignificant worm such as yourself?" Thorina said haughtily. She then dragged herself up to her full height, looking as majestic as ever, and said, "In fact, how could I, a dwarf, EVER love a hobbit?"

Bilbo felt his heart shatter into a million tiny pieces. He felt tears run down his face. "Thorina..." he pleaded. The hobbit was about to run to her when he saw Fili lift the princess up and kiss her chest while Thorina giggled happily. He them saw Kili come up to him and shove him into the ground, laughing the whole way.

Bilbo awoke with a start to find tears streaming down his face. He looked over to Thorina's mat for comfort. Surely she didn't want to be with Fili and Kili. However, Thorina's mat was empty. The hobbit sniffed as he looked around the cave. Thorina was cooking breakfast in a frying pan, but Fili and Kili were beside her.What he saw next confirmed the fears of his dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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