Synchronized Hearts

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The company bid farewell to Elrond once Thorina was deemed okay to travel. Since being healed, the princess had strengthened greatly. She was almost back to fighting trim. Thorina, even though she cared little for Elrond, decided to give him a gift for healing her. She gave him a dwarf-crafted pendant that her mother had worn. Elrond took it proudly and put it on as soon as she gave it to him.

After the kiss on the battle grounds, Thorina and Bilbo acknowledged their love for each other and decided to become a couple. The company was happy for them, even Fili and Kili, but Bilbo was confused as to why they were.

When they left Rivendell, they headed back towards the Misty Mountains. On the way there, Bilbo moved from the back of the line to the front with Thorina. When he approached, she smirked. "I was wondering when you would realize you couldn't live without me. Something you need, Bokins?"

Bilbo returned the smirk. "You were the one who took so long, Rinnie. I knew the first time I saw you."

Thorina faked hurt. "Aw, that hurt. I don't know how I can go on." She put the back of her hand to her forehead and sighed deeply in an overly dramatic fashion.

Bilbo rolled his eyes, but smiled. "And if I believe that, I am the Queen of the Shire."

Thorina cocked her head to the side. "The Shire doesn't have queens."

Bilbo impatiently waved his hand at her. "You know what I mean."

Thorina smirked deeper. "Yes, I know what you mean. You mean that you can hardly bear not thinking about me. You wake in the morning thinking about me, and I am in your dreams. You simply have fallen head over heels for me, my dear Babykins." She then moved closer and put her lips so close to Bilbo's ear that when she spoke they grazed lightly against it. Her hot breath and wet saliva touched Bilbo's ear as she lightly bit the pointed end, making Bilbo shudder. "And the best part is you can't do anything to stop it." she whispered seductively.

Bilbo closed his eyes to savor her voice when he felt her move slightly away. He looked at her as they walked on, eyes stopping at her hair. The hobbit watched as her hair fell down her back, swaying when she walked. He watched the hair flit against the sleeve of the shirt she was wearing. Wait. She wasn't wearing a tunic? She examined the shirt closely and saw that it looked strangely familiar. "That shirt," he pointed out to Thorina.

Thorina looked down at it and smiled. "This one?" she gestured to her shirt. "What of it?"

Bilbo tilted his head. "Is that the shirt that-"

"You gave me when I stayed at your Hobbit-hole? Indeed." she said, smiling.

"Why are you wearing it?" Bilbo questioned. Surely it wasn't as good as her tunics.

"Why wouldn't I wear it? You gave it to me, didn't you?" was her response.

"Well, of course." Bilbo said matter-of-factly.

Thorina shrugged. "Then, it's mine."

Bilbo laughed, then asked coyly, "Have you given me something?"

Thorina scoffed. "Of course. I gave you my heart." With this, she walked up by Gandalf and observed the mountains they had just arrived.

Bilbo smiled like a fool. "You little minx," he whispered under his breath.

Soon, the company managed to climb the first mountain without a member falling off or getting hurt. The rain was down to a drizzle. When night fell, they decided to camp in a cave they explored. They set up a fire and their mats and began to fall asleep. Thorina, of course, took first watch, telling one of the dwarves to relieve her in three hours. The dwarf grunted and went to sleep.

The Finest of Dwarves {Thilbo Bagginshield Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now