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Immediately after they entered Haise's apartment, Touka brought the rabbit keychain out for him to see. "What's the meaning of this? You said you wanted to get back with Rize so why are you giving me this?"

Those questions meant that Kosaka-san hasn't told her anything huh? Phew.

He rubbed his chin. "Don't take this the wrong way. You celebrated my birthday so the keychain was just a return."

"Then why couldn't you pass it to me in person?"

Averting his eyes, he touched his chin again. "I was busy manning the shop."

You liar. You know you still love her.

"..You're hiding something from me. Look me in the eye and tell me again."

Haise had to get her out of his house as soon as possible. The longer she stayed, the more he wanted to just kiss her, hug her and never let her go again. At that moment his eyes met hers, all of the courage he had disappeared and he hesitated, not wanting to lie to her anymore. "I-I love you, Touka. That's why I had to do it for you."

Her eyes softened and she moved to cup his cheeks. "Tell me everything."

He spilled everything and earned a hit on his head from her. He winced and held a hand over the area she hit. "OW! What was that for?!"

"You idiot! Why didn't you tell me? Then we could have come up with solutions together instead of making both of us miserable by breaking up!" Touka roared and he could hear the anger in her voice.

"I didn't have a choice! Rize has pictures of us dating as proof!" Haise protested.

"Still! Do you know how sad I was when you told you didn't want me anymore?" She frowned and this time, Haise held her cheeks in his hands. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he apologized and she pouted, pink dusting her cheeks. "One more kiss. On the lips."

Haise blushed and leaned in to kiss her. They let out a sigh into each other's mouths when their lips touched. It's been too long. Separating hesitantly, Touka looked up at the male with a smile. "Let's find a way around this."

He nodded and leaned in again. "Just one more..."

After so many 'one more' kisses, Touka got irritated and shoved him away from her. "No more! Be serious! I want to fix this!"

The male whimpered. "Okay."

So Haise ran over what Rize's personality was like, how she had been visiting his shop every few days to check up on him, how she would check his phone messages and everything. Touka bit her lower lip and pondered. "She's tough."

"Mm... Touka-chan, how many years have you got left to graduate?" He asked.

"About 1 year. Why?" Touka replied.

"I think I've got an idea."

The more she listened to his idea, the more unhappy she looked. "Is there really no other way?"

He frowned. "I couldn't think of any other way. Listen, I don't like it too but we'll have to stay away from each other at least until you graduate. No texts, no mails, no meeting. For now, focus on your studies. If you come to see me after you graduate and we still have the same feelings, then we can date."


"Sorry. I dragged you into this."

Touka shook her head. "It's partly my fault."

Haise hugged her tightly and rested his head on hers. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"Me too."

They separated and he placed his hands on her shoulders. "You should go home now. Your parents will be worried."

"I don't want to. Let me stay for tonight, please."

He couldn't refuse her and took her hand, leading her to his bedroom. They took their time to make love, as if it was the last time they'll ever see each other.

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