Chapter 6

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Slowly Suzy realised what was happening. She put her arms arounds Taehyungs back. After a couple of minutes he let go. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. He asked "Are you okay?" Suzy said "I'm sorry I left without telling you. I know I've troubled you I'm sorry." Taehyung bit his lip and said "Don't be sorry it's just don't leave me like that okay?" She nodded. He took her hand in his and said "Let's go home, its cold. You will fall sick."

On the way back in the car, Suzy carefully studied his features. He wasn't angry at her, he was worried. She thought. She couldn't understand what was going on with them. But it was surely confusing and rather complicated.


Taehyung said "You must be hungry, how about I'll make you some ramen?" Suzy smiled and happily agreed. Taehyung smiled too along with her, seeing her happy made him happy.

After eating, Taehyung said "I'll be up till you sleep
Okay, I'll be sitting out." Suzy come close to him and took his hand and led him to the bed. She said "You can sleep here, I trust you." Taehyung nodded.

"Do you want to build a pillow wall?" Taehyung asked as they both lay in bed. Suzy said "What?" Taehyung said "oh come on it's a wall made out of pillows in between us". Suzy turned to his side and held his hand and said "Taehyung I said I trust you." Taehyung gulped nervously. He stared at Suzy as if wanted to say something. Suzy asked "what's wrong?" Taehyung said "I have a childhood problem." Suzy asked "Oh what is it can I help?" Taehyung said "I.. um tend to cuddle and hold things that are next to me." Suzy giggled. Taehyung looked at her with a straight face. She sat upright on the bed and laughed. Taehyung said "This ain't funny." Although she was laughing for the first time in front of him and he loved it. Suzy cleared her throat and said "Of course. It's not funny. But I have a solution for it." Taehyung asked surprised "Really?" She moved closer to him. She layed down next to him and took his hand and placed it on her stomach. She rested her head on his shoulder and said "See is this better?"

Taehyung smirked and pulled her closer. He rested his head on top of Suzy's said "This is perfect."


"Aah!" Suzy yawned. The Sunlight prickled her eyes. She turned and her other side to be empty. She got up and looked around the room. It was quiet. She looked at the side table hoping for a note which she gladly found.

She read
From Tae,
Sorry Suzy I had to leave for work early, I'll be back at dinner. Also you look very beautiful when you sleep.

Suzy bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. She covered her face with her hands. She was shy at Taehyungs compliment. She got up and freshened up with taehyungs charming attitude on her mind.


The day went around normally, with Suzy reading books, cleaning the house, scrolling around the house. Without noticing she realised it was night time. The servant came in the room and said "Ma'am would you like to have dinner?" Suzy replied "no I'll have with Mr Kim." The servant said "But Ma'am.." Suzy said "Please call me Suzy and don't worry I'll eat later, you can leave if you want." The servant bowed obidiently and left.

She glanced at the clock. It was late how long would Taehyung take she thought. She went to the living room and watched Tv for a long time. She realised she will ask for a phone cause she eagerly needed one. Soon she feel asleep on the couch.


Taehyung entered the house late. He felt bad he kept Suzy waiting. He looked at the dinner table and saw that dinner was kept. He realised he didn't eat anything. He looked for Suzy and found her laying on her stomach on the couch. Her hair were messily spread on her face. The Tv was still on. Taehyung smiled and leaned near, he moved her hair away from her face. She must not have eaten anything he thought. He slowly shook her, she opened her eyes and looked at Taehyung. She rubbed her eyes and said "Your Home?" Taehyung nodded and said "Come let's eat dinner." She said "Ah! I thought you would've never asked."

They both had dinner with Taehyung stealing quick glances at her and smiling to himself. Suzy noticed this and asked still eyes on her food "Do I look that bad?" Taehyung answered quickly "No! No it's not that it's just you look really cute when your eating." Suzy looked at him mouth full of noodles. He giggled and said "See it's cute!" Suzy face turned red and she continued to eat.

"Suzzyyy!" Taehyung groaned laying in bed. Suzy came in the room and asked "Yes?" Taehyung looked exhausted he was still in his blue suit. He layed on the bed with his eyes closed. Suzy went and sat next to him. He was already asleep, She stroked his hair and said "I think your handsome and more cute then me."

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