Chapter 8

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Taehyung quivered. He immediately checked the whole house and contacted his security. He was afraid for Suzy, nothing can happen to his wife, he will do everything he can to protect her. He can't let what happened to his family happen to Suzy. He layed next to her and pulled her in his arms. He kissed her forehead. 'I'll keep you safe' he thought to himself.


"So you don't like Italian food?" Taehyung asked. Suzy agreed. "But why not?" Taehyung enquired. Suzy replied "I don't know it's not really something I enjoy." Taehyung stared at her in disbelief. Suzy giggled and said "What now will you shoot me for not liking Italian food?" Taehyung expression immedialtly changed. He said "Don't ever talk like that you get it?" Suzy narrowed her eyes and stared at him confused. There was no reason to suddenly get angry. Taehyung went into the washroom and slammed the door. Suzy couldn't understand what wrong she said. Taehyung was making her confused.

"Should I tell her? Or should I wait?" Taehyung thought. He groaned in frustration, he knew if he wanted to protect Suzy then she needed to know the truth but what if she leaves him when she finds out the truth. He couldn't make a clear decision that's what really irritated him. He decided to head out and just be normal around Suzy for now Atleast.

Suzy heard the bathroom lock click. She saw Taehyung coming out with a unreadable expression. She asked "Tae?" Taehyung immediately looked at her with soulful eyes. Suzy said "I know something's not right. If you want you can talk to me about it." Taehyung shut his eyes and processed what to do. He sure was a bad liar. He walked straight to Suzy and pulled her in his embrace. He caresses her head. Suzy draped her arm around his waist. She was willing to wait for him to open up.

Taehyung said "I've got some work back in the office I'll be back in an hour promise me you won't leave the house and go anywhere. I'll take you wherever you want once I come back okay?" Suzy said "Ok."


"Did you find out anything?" Taehyung asked Jungkook. Jungkook replied "The number that called you is untraceable. Taehyung what if this is the same guy who..." Taehyung nodded and said "He said that he will shoot Suzy just like.. the rest of my family." Jungkook kept a hand on his shoulder and said "We will catch him. Suzy will be safe." Taehyung covered his face with his hands. Each day Suzy grew more precious to him. He was scared of losing her. He wanted to ask her whether she felt anything towards him and most importantly she needed to know the reason of this wedding.

Taehyung sat on the couch. He was on a roller coaster of emotions he asked jungkook "When should I tell her the truth?" Jungkook grasped nervously this was a touchy topic for Taehyung. He had to choose his words wisely if he wanted to explain this to Taehyung. Jungkook said "Tae you need to tell her everything. Be transperant with her. She does feel for you I've seen it. Look you think she might leave you but what if she doesn't. What if she stays and decides to hold onto you. You weren't supposed to fall in love but now you have fallen you can't change that. Your her husband being honest with her is very important . She might be angry or sad but you make it upto her. Tell her Tae. She has no one right now other than you."

Taehyung decided tonight he will tell Suzy the truth of this wedding. She can decide whether she wishes to stay or not. But he has to be a truthful husband to her the least he can do right now. He pressed the accelerator and speeded Home.


Suzy carefully placed white carnations into a huge vase. The house was beautiful. She was slowly accepting her fate. Taehyung was surely changing her life. She was beginning to see happiness slowly. But something worries him and she feels worried too. She hoped Tae would come and talk to her so that she could console him.

The telephone in the hall room buzzed. Suzy walked and answered it. "Hello?" She said. She was shocked to hear the when the voice replied. It was her school friend Kim Hoon. She said "Hoona... how did you get this number? How did you find me?" Kim Hoon said "Suzy listen to me..." his voice was dim and sad, this worried Suzy she asked "Is everything okay? Hoona!" She began panicking when she heard Kim Hoon being silent. She yelled "Hoona! What's wrong?" Until Hoon said softly the news that tore Suzy's heart. Suzy world stopped and her vision got blurry. She slowly sank on the floor unable to believe what Kim Hoon just said.

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