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Lucy: ...? But... huh?

Gray:, no

Erza: 'I swear if there is anymore of Lucy getting paired with people I will kill that person'

Juvia: *from the audience* HELL NO!!

Mira: That's right, Juvia! No one messes with my ship! Gray! Go kiss your girlfriend!

Gray: She's not my girlfriend, sheesh!

Happy: Would you kiss her if she was your girlfriend? *smirks*

Gray: I-I um... that is v-very confidential

Erza: I actually think they'd be cute, like, Juvia secretly loving Lucy and not realizing it. That's why she calls Lucy love rival around Gray, but what if that statement was directed towards him the whole time? Because, Juvia loves Gray because he made her rain go away. But if it wasn't for Lucy, they would have never met.

Gray: Man, that was.... deep

Juvia: *Thinks about it*

Lucy: Erza why you do this to me

Erza: If you want to see other people, then fine

Lucy: I don't want to see other people I want to see yo-

Natsu: Ok, I'm back guys what'd we miss?

Everyone: *Glares hard at Natsu*


Natsu: Ahhhh sorry! Don't kill me!

Happy: Next ship!

Me: Wait!

Gray: What now?

Me: Um... so, the reason I haven't been publishing anything lately and I'm late on my Mating Season story is partially because of studying for finals. But the main reason is because, I'm going thru my first heartbreak, and I'm scared that if I write I might ruin the stories. I'm an emotional rollarcoaster right now, so sorry to everyone for not posting.

Lucy: Awe *hugs me*

Erza: It'll be ok, Rebel *Also hugs me*

Me: My names not Rebel

Wendy: What is it? *hugs me*

Me: Alexis

Everyone: *cheers*

Cana: Everyone on stage, group hug around Alexis!

*Giant hug*

Me: *smiles* Next ship *eyes Lucy and Erza*

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