Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

If I have to wait one more hour for this bitch to arrive I will stangle her with my Umbilical cord. Tyla has been late to the last three of our date nights and i'm getting sick of her shit. I would leave her but honestly that's what makes me go right back to her, she's just too god damn irresistible. She leaves me nearly every night and I have so much sexual frustration built up I may have to find another to girl to muck around with.

As I wait at the empty table the waitress asks me for the third time if I would like to order, "Does it look like i'm ready to order? Can't you see I'm waiting for someone" I snarl at the waitress and stare her out. I can't help but notice how sexy she is. As a fellow lesbian I identify all the little things I like about my women, Big eyes, a curvacious body and boobs like Salma Hayek.Boy would I like to scissor with her! "Excuse me Bitch, I may have to wait around for two fucking hours waiting for you to order but I will not put up with shit attitude just because you ain't gettin' some. Poor guy aswell I wouldn't have come if I was him ." I am taken a-back by this trashy waitress talking to me and snapping me back into reality. I think I would rather stay in my dreams thank you. " I'm a lesbian,I don't like to fuck men okay." I wait for her snarky response but she just nods her head and turns back to get on with her job. Do you know what I'm leaving, why should I have to wait for her again? Why did she have to be a Nurse, why couldn't she just be a receptionist or something I don't know all these late night shifts kill me. There's no intimacy in the relationship. We haven't had sex for three weeks! three fucking weeks, do you know what that does to a horny young adult like me? I am left to pleasure myself with my vibrator and dildos.

As I begin my walk of shame out of the Tacky restaurant I walk past this beautiful old couple , probably in their 70's having dinner together.How I wish I could experience something so intimate as what they have. I bet they have more sex than me! Now i'm really depressed. I should probably call Tyla again and see why she couldn't make it tonight. I bet she has a perfect explanation of her absence.I ring her mobile and wait for her to answer.Answer phone,"Hey it's Tyla I am not available to get to the phone right now, please just leave a message and I'll get right back to you, Laters." "Hey babe, its me.. again, just checking If you're okay and when you might be coming home tonight. Oh and you forgot our date night again! I probably didn't remind you. Oh well I better let you go, Love you."

I wonder why she has to say late at work all the time? There must be a massive epidemic or something, I don't know. As I think of how great our relationship used to be my phone goes off. It must be Tyla! I start to get exicted but my heart sinks when I see who it is really from. Garrett my boss. He's such a pig, always grabbing my ass and saying how much he would love to join in on Tyla and mine's sex life. He's not missing much ,really he isn't. We'd both be lucky to even see her naked. I myself don't mind going without clothes. I must be the only one who uses the work showers because they are unisex. The girls don't go in there because they're scared that the men will take advantage of them and the men don't shower because firstly they're filthy pigs but mainly its because they think no one uses them. Boy does that make me happy, after a long day of work I can go into to the empty showers and feel free and comfortable relaxing in the shower room. Working at a mechanic shop means I get extremely filthy and sweaty plus the testosterone overthrows how much oestrogen there is but I must say that even having more than one women working there is a huge surprise . Well there is the assistant so I guess that's not too unusual. Well over this discussion back to my cum stain of a boss Garrett. I better aswer it or else he will get really pissy at me tomorrow morning. "What Garrett?" I groan uninterested in what he has to say to me. "Kourtnii Baby don't give me that I just need to talk to you about work tomorrow I need you to come in early I have a confefrence, sugar." Oh god he is drunk, again. Honestly I shouldn't be surprised this happens more often than you would believe. "What do I get out of it Garrett, Pay rise, Time and a half?" I suggest possible ideas that would benefit me. "no, no no no don't be stupid girl you will do it becuase you need this job and if you don't I will kick your ass on the curb so fast you won't even feel it, so have we got a deal sugar?"

Asshole, what a fucking asshole he knows how much I need this job I am barely paying my rent and groceries let alone giving out loans to Tyla when she needs it. As a nurse you'd really think she'd know best not to Smoke and do drugs, like come on how clueless do you have to be! You're saving the life of others but destroying your own. Have you ever thought how it would affect your loved ones?? I think this know but I know if I said it to her in person I would get in so much shit , so I'd rather not dwell into her personal hobbies. "Fine, but you owe me big time Garrett, I can't always fill in for you okay?" I never talk to Garrett without saying his name, it feels less professional if I don't and I don't want him to get the impression that I actually like him. Garrett thanks me several times and then hangs up again.This will be the eighth time that I will have had to work early. Yes i've counted, I have nothing better to do anyway other then complain about my life . It seems I can't even get one thing right in my life at the moment . Rocky relationship the girlfriend, Practically broke and a shit boss. What else could you want? Perfect life, eh? Well I can honestly tell you that it used to be, I had a job as a mechanic in New Jersey had a girlfriend who was beautiful, intelligent and wealthy and I was actually a real human being, I was at a nice weight, soft and luscious dark brown hair, new and trendy clothes and an appartment that you could only dream about. You're probably wondering how did I end up in this shit life right? Well you're not the only wondering aswell? After Ally had died I had nothing , I couldn't keep up with the rent, I quit my job because I didn't have the energy and I stopped eating because I didn't want to eat. I soon became homeless rummaging through alleys to find half eaten hamburgers. Yeah, you thought this was rock bottom? Well, you were shit wrong weren't you. I was homeless for 3 months, yeah I counted what else was their to do other then lose my dignity and pride. I have forgotten about what those two feelings are like now. They're not even in my vocabulary. Enough of my sob story, the rest is unbearable to hear right now. I've always wondered what life would be like right now if my Ally was still here in this mierable world. Guess I'll never find out.

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