Chapter 3

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Is this really how my life will end? In a staff room hiding under a table with half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in my hand? Could god have thought of a worse way to torture me, to humiliate me? I really dont think so. I try to hold in my sobs as I hear the footsteps of the gunmen nearing. Next to me, Joy cries quietly. Boy does she look terrified, I grab her hand to try calm her down. It doesn't work one bit. I can hear the gunmen vividly now ,their footsteps as loud as a clock ticking at night. Their shadows looming closer to us. My heart races as they enter the room,they walk around looking for something, I don't know what.Suddenly they stop right in front of the table. I feel as if I am in one of those Horror movies and I am about to be dragged out from under the bed, well in this case the table.I wait in anticipation wondering whether or not they will grab me from under the table. "Nooo, please get off of me." Snapped back in reality I hear Joy screaming as she is dragged from underneath the table. I react instantly and so does Jax we both come out and try to help her. "Get off of her you scumbag,please get off her!" I try to sound confident but my voice cracks, I can't help but sound terrified. The masked gunman holds his gun against Joy's head and as she starts to cry helplessly he speaks, "Where is Garrett? Where the fuck is Garrett?" I tremble as I try to answer him, "H-he's no-not here I swear on my life, Please just let us go."I beg for mercy but that doesn't seem to help us the man keeps on asking Jax and I where Garret is, the other two masked men try to convince him to leave but he insists on talking with Garret. Oh god, what kind of mess has Garrett gotten himself into this time? "Look here bitch, me and my friends just want to have a quick chat with Garrett and discuss business can you let us do that aye?" I keep repeating that he's not here but the man doesn't seem to like that as he points his gun right at me and asks me once more, " Why don't you cut the fucking shit and tell me where the fuck that cunt is whore!" As the masked man finishes his sentence Jax tries to tackle him to the ground but in a flash, Bang! I scream in terror as I watch Jax fall to the ground, blood gushing down his forehead where he has been shot. "Fuck man, let's get outta here before we get caught." As soon as Jax had died the men had left as if they weren't even here, but they were here and they killed one of the only people who I genuinely cared about.

I try to keep myself together for the police as they interrogate me about Jax's death. I tell them everything I know, the men came in with guns and they were asking for Garrett saying that they needed to talk about work. I ask to leave as I can't take talking about it anymore just thinking about poor ol' Jax all he did was try and be and hero and look what he got for it. Death, in another city he would be awarded for his bravery but here he's just a stupid old man trying to get attention or so that's what the police have said. That's the problem with living in Detroit, no one gives a flying fuck about what happens in this god's forsaken place. I don't know whether if it was better when I was homeless or now I just can't make up my mind.

Before I go home I decide to the bar first to drink away my sorrows. I order three Jaegermeisters but that is gone in less than ten minutes. After an hour I am so drunk for some stupid fucking reason I call Garrett but if course it goes to answer phone, hey Garry bear how are you, you know some men came looking for you said they needed to discuss work haha, bet you just owe them money again eh? Stupid fucking asshole all your good at is fucking up. Fucking up your job fucking Vikki, well I don't know if you're a good fuck and I don't want to because I love myself some pussy, anyway I better go home now bye bye Garry." Oh god what did I just say to him, I can't believe I even called him! I better get home before I embarrass myself even more. Before I leave I try to sober up so I go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face and go pee.

I exit the building and I decide I want to walk home so I don't bother calling a taxi and anyway I'm not from my apartment so it will do me good. I am still so shocked about today I need to do something to keep the pain away of losing Jax. He didn't deserve to die, he saved my life, and Joy's he sacrificed himself in order for us to live. How could the cops say that he was a stupid old man , Jax showed true bravery and selflessness and for that he gave me something that I haven't felt for a very long time. Hope. Hope that this shit fucking world has decent people who give a shit and care about other people. I must admit that I'm pretty impressed that god found another way to humiliate me even more and make my life hell. It must amuse him how much it hurts me to be alive. I walk in the rain trying to find and excuse to live. Should I live because things could get better? Or should I live because Jax's death should not be in vein or else if I die I've wasted another person's life. Is that really fair?

I begin to run as if I was running away from my past trying to forget everything that has just happened in my life. After a while I puff loudly tired from running but I keep going not giving up because it hurts too much for me to give up, I can't give up now. Now that Jax is dead. By the time I get home I am drenched in sweat and rain. All of my clothes are soaked and my chocolate brown hair is stuck to my forehead. I gasp for air exhausted from all the running but I can't breathe I don't know if it's because I'm so fatigued or I have just realized what happened and the reality is kicking in. I'd go with the second one. I can't even open my door to my apartment because I'm hyperventilating. I try my hardest to compose myself but nothing works so I just succumb to the darkness. I fall to the ground and crawl up into a ball and just cry. I cry and cry and cry until I fall asleep outside my apartment.

I wake up somehow comfortably in my bed but without any clothes on apart from my underwear. it must've been my lovely neighbor Mel I must thank her later but first I must relax and have a normal day today.Mel is a 40 year old women who has lived next to me ever since I moved into this apartment block and she's supported me through everything I've gone through I must say for a 40 year old women Mel looks pretty good with her shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and a pretty decent size of breasts. She's like a hot mom that one of you're friends would have.I am so glas I don't have work today.With all the shit I've gone through I just want to forget about everything that has happened. I watch hours of Greys anatomy to forget about yesterday. I never really liked Greys anatomy but Tyla got me into it and for some odd reason I can't get enough of it now.Wow, I have practically forgotten about Tyla. I have had so much go on I haven't been bothered to call her or anything. I quickly check my phone to see if she has texted me or anything. I guess she's been busy aswell because I have no messages from her. I chuck my phone away and let the rest of the day pass by as I enjoy watching my show while eating Reese's peanut butter cups and Jam donuts. Told you I love Peanut butter and Jelly.

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