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•5:30 P.M.//December= 1 month ago•

_(in this setting it's snowing...so yea..)_

Ash~*driving with caution, then stops at a red light and sighs* I should have booked a hotel at least for the night. But NOOO- I just had to drive from Suzie's house to my house! *heavily sighs*

(I didn't know what to put so I just put both ^^"---->)      •*the red light turns green*•

Ash~*continues to drive* Either way I'm close to my- *hears a horn/honk from her left side and turns to look at what the noise was, but was to late...*
Ash~*quickly sits up from her bed while sweat is running down her face, and is breathing heavily* 'WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?!?!' *turns to her night stand _(which is on her left)_ and sees the time which is- •5:00A.M.• and sighs* Whatever, I'll just surf the internet for now...*grabs her laptop from her night stand, opens it up, and starts using it*

•3 hours later•

Ash~*closes her laptop and gets up from bed, then walks up to her closet to look for clothes*(...)*once she is done, she walks out of her room and goes to the bathroom*

•2 minutes later•

Ash~*walks out of the bathroom and walks out of her house and goes to the café (I don't know if that is how you spell it so let's just go with it) and walks up to a waitress* Hi

Waitress~Hello, how may I help you today!*smiles*

Ash~*smiles back* umm.. I will like a lemonade and a muffin, please.

Waitress~Ok, is that it?

Ash~ Yea that will be it.

Waitress~Alrighty then! The total will be $3.17. *smiles*

Ash~*hands the waitress the money and waits for her order*

Waitress~*once she was done making the order she walks back to Ash and hands her, her order* Here you go! Have a good day! *smiles*

Ash~*takes her order and smiles back* You too!*walks away and finds a seat in the corner and walks over there* *tales a sip from her lemonade and checks her social media*

???~*walks up to the table where Ash is at* Hey there, can I sit here!

Ash~*looks up from her phone and sees a male who is pointing at the seat across from her*umm... sure, go ahead!

???~*sits down on the seat* Thanks!...So what's your name??

Ash~My name's Ash. You??

???~My real name is a secret so I will just tell you my hacker name which is 707, but you my friend can just call me Seven!*smiles*

Ash~*giggles* Ok, but why can't you tell me your real name??

Seven~I already told you it's a secret~.*winks and grins*

Ash~*blushes lightly and rolled her eyes playfully* Fine then dork.*giggles* 'Holy damn this guy is such a cutie..- wait...NO ASH YOU JUST MET THIS GUY!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!'

Seven~'She is so fricken CUTE!-wait.. NO SEVEN NO!! BAD SEVEN YOU JUST MET HER, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!' *chuckles* Whatever. I got to go, but here *hands her a piece of paper* See you later~!*walks out of the café*

Ash~*blushes and looks at the slip of paper and opens it just to find his number in there* yeah... see u later*smiles and quickly adds his number in her contacts* *gathers her stuff and leaves the café and walks to her house*

                         •5 minutes later•

Ash~*walks to her room and texts Seven with a smile on her face*

(Instead of writing the full names I will just put the initials ^^")
???{A}: Hiya! ^^
S: Oh hello!...Ash right??
???{A}:*le gasp* who else do think it was?! T-T
S: O-O
Oh I'm so so so sorry!!T-T I forgot that I gave you my phone number!! T-T
A: lololol it's ok XD
S: Phew ^^;; Thank god!!
A: So...
S: "So", what??
A: Is 'Ashie' my nickname now?? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
S: •//• umm...yea... it is...
S: Oh, so is 'Lord Seven' my nickname now??
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A: -///- yea...
S: lolol XD
A: Whatever dork -_-
S: lololol
   Hey do you what to meet my other friends??
     Why the hell not! ^^
    New peeps, new friends! ^^
S: *face-palm* whatever -_-
      Just don't get to excited -w•
A: Tsk *eye roll*
     Whatever they can't be that bad! Lololol
S: Ok whatever you say
                          [END OF TEXT]~

_( From then on the whole group  consisting of- Yoosung, Jeahee, Jumin, Zen [and obviously Seven] all loved Ash and instantly became friends with her. 2 years later Seven asked Ash out on a date and she said yes and on that same day they had their first kiss and became boyfriend and girlfriend!)_
(Hope you guys enjoyed this so far ^^! Umm... if your confused from why I started the backstory like that, then you will have to wait because that my friends you will find out soon! Anyways, bye bye!)


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