Chapter 4

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Sunday Morning

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and rolled over, clicking my phone and checking the time.


Unwillingly, I threw my legs over the bed and pushed up. On my way out of my room I grabbed Game of Thrones and The Help.

The smell of warm oats and fruit wafted up the stairs. My mouth watered and my stomach grumbled, however I moved across the hall to Colton's room first.

"Come in" Colton's tired voice came from inside, after a firm knock. I twisted the knob and peeked in.

Head covered by his quilt, Colton attempted to shield his eyes from the light streaming in from his window. I sat at the edge of his bed, smacking him lightly with the book.

"Colton. I have a book for you. Get up!" A hand appeared from under the quilt. Motioning for me to hand it over. Rolling my eyes, I smacked the book into his hand and lifted myself from my spot on his bed.

Looking back, halfway to the door, a brilliant idea hit me.

"Morning Colton," I began, now at the door, "Mum made breakfast." A grunt. "It's your favourite. Pancakes"

A very excited and smiley Colton appeared from his den. I laughed at the pillow creases on his cheek and the red splotches on his arms.

He jumped from the bed and chased me down the stairs. We both rambled into the kitchen, to find my mother standing at the bench cutting fruit and pouring oats into bowls. She looked up from her work, rather confused.

"Where are the pancakes?" Colton demanded, looking down at me, both disappointed and angry. I raised my left eyebrow in amusement, "Oops." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

His face went bright red, all signs of excitement draining. Without another word, he grabbed a banana, a piece of bread, the nutella and a plate; before storming off to his room to make his own meal.

As soon as he disappeared up the stairs I doubled over, in fits of laughter. Grabbing a bowl of oats and moving to the bar stools, I glanced at my, still rather confused, mother.

"Oh, I told him there were pancakes for breakfast" I explained to my mum. She smirked, giving me the of course you would face. I gave her a cheeky grin back and turned to my oats, and smiling at the assortment of berries my mum had dotted on the top.

Digging in, I mentally planned my day. Shower, Homework, Assignments then, I need to contact Nicole and Josh.

"So," mum started, pulling me put of my thoughts, "got any plans for today?" She looks down, continuing to dice fruit.

"Yeah, I have a ton of homework and stuff. Oh and do you mind if I go over to Nicole's tonight? We were supposed to watch a movie last night, but then we had that dinner things with the Golds."

"Oh yeah honey, that's fine. Just don't be home too late. You have school tomorrow."

" Of course, I'll call them and try to get us an early start." I respond, instantly reaching for my phone which was resting on the countertop. Eating with one hand and texting with the other, I quickly typed a message to Nicole.

Hey Nikki,
Wanna watch that movie at your place tonight? I'm making lasagna and blueberry pie. Mum's recipe. You up for it?

Hitting send, I returned my phone to its place on the countertop and hastily finished my breakfast. I got up, placed my dishes in the sink and grabbed my phone.

Almost instantly it vibrated, lighting up to show Nicole's message.

Sure thing Tess. Call Joshua and inform him. What time do you wanna start?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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