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That afternoon, Holmes and I stepped inside Inspector Lastrade's office at Scotland Yard, accompanied by the gigantic blue, satanic countenance, of Lord D'Hoffryn. The look the Inspector's face was both astounded and confounded. He rose from behind his desk and tried to speak, but only hemming and hawing sounds came from his throat.

He finally caught his breath and said, "Holmes. What have you done? You haven't arrested the Devil himself, have you?"

"Never fear Inspector." Holmes told him, "The people of London, will continue to be in need of your services."

Now the blue giant spoke. "Good day Inspector. I am D'Hoffryn, Lord of Arashmahar."

Lastrade repeated "Arashmahar?" He looked at me. "Is that in India?"

The large man said, "It is as near to you, as the laws you enforce Inspector."

Holmes explained, "Lord D'Hoffryn is Sovereign Master of all Vengeance Demons Inspector."

D'Hoffryn said, "Justice is vengeance controlled and refined Inspector. The law gives it respectability. You are in fact, one of my minions."

Lastrade said, "Vengeance Demons? I'm his minion? What nonsense is this Holmes?"

Holmes asked, "Lord D'Hoffryn has offered his help, in tracking down the murderer of Mr. Reginald Carter."

Lastrade took a deep breath. He sat back down behind his desk, and confidently folded his arms in front of himself.

He said, "Thank you Your Lordship, but we already have very reliable information, which leads us to believe that Mr. Carter was killed by a dreadful poet named William Farnsworth. We have people scouring the City in search of him. However, he has so far managed to elude us. If you do happen know his whereabouts sir...I mean Your Lordship, please tell us now."

The giant blue Eminence spoke. "I have no idea where Mr. Farnsworth is, but I know the identity of the actual murderess."

Lastrade looked mildly startled. "Did you say 'murderess'?"

"Yes Inspector. She goes by the name of Miss Cecily Halfrich."

The Inspector spoke sharply. "Cecily Halfrich? She is the one who has accused Mr. Farnsworth. We have a constable posted outside her door, to protect her, until he is apprehended."

Holmes said, "Then you shall have no problem apprehending her, Inspector."

"Indeed." He called out, "Giles!"

The door opened, and a police sergeant stepped inside the office, gazing at D'Hoffryn with awe.

He said, "Yes sir?"

Lastrade told him, "I want Miss Cecily Halfrich brought in for questioning forthwith."

"Yes sir."

Sergeant Giles stepped out of the office, closing the door behind himself.

Now Holmes explained, "Miss Halfrich is in actuality, a wish granting vengeance demon named Halfrek. She has lost her powers. She is trying to regain them by exacting unwished for vengeance."

D'Hoffryn spoke, "According to the Eternal Covenants, of the Vengeful Order of Arashmahar, a Vengeance Demon works behind the scenes, to bring about vengeance; but only when mortals wish for us to do so. However, we are never to exact any unwished for vengeance, and never with our own hands. Miss Halfrich has violated those Eternal Covenants. For that she will suffer my wrath."

A half-hour later Sergeant Giles stepped back inside the office.

He said, "Miss 'alfrich ain't at 'ome Inspector. She 'as flown the coop."

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