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Dream sniffled quietly, his sobbing having tapered off a long time ago. He was laying under the tree, curled up in a tight ball. He slowly untensed his bones, forcing himself to lay on his back and stare up into the tree. He didn't know how much time had passed but soon he calmed down enough to think rationally. His brother was up there, hurt and in pain. Nightmare needed him! He stood up shakily on weak legs, using the tree to steady himself. (Cause it represents balance XD okay I know that was a horrible joke. Sorry.- X) (I just had to leave it there. XD -Sky)

Dream directed his shaky hands to grip the tree's bark and slowly dragged himself upwards, his arms burning in protest. He hadn't moved them in at least an hour and now he expected top performance? No, of course that's not going to happen.

Despite his weak arms burning painfully, he pushed through and scaled the tree albeit slower than the speed Nightmare had gone. It was a large and tall tree, reaching up to the top was no walk in the park. Dream was already panting when he finally reached the first branch and pulled himself up, practically dying inside as he hung on the branch, his whole body protesting any movement.

His eye lights flickered with determination. The thought of Nightmare up all alone and in pain sparked a protective feeling in him. He had to comfort his brother! He stood up shakily, nearly falling but managed to keep upright and slowly made his way up the tree.


Nightmare stared curled up on the branch for how long he wasn't sue. His mind now silent as the pain he once felt faded but lingered like a dull consistent burn. Tears had long ended leaving behind a stain on his face. He wanted to move but each attempt only made the burning worse, turning it into a sharp stabbing pain. So he doesn't move. As long as he doesn't move, he'll be fine.

He winced when he adjusted his position into a sitting one, biting his lip to swallow a yelp of pain. He took this time alone to analyze the damage. His right hand was broken, spiderline of cracks on the white and red bone. The blood now dried, staining his bones and clothes a dark red with a brown tinge. His left radius had snapped due to taking the brunt of the force when he tried to protect his skull. However, his skull had cracks and bruises but none are life threatening besides a major concussion, thankfully. His ribs stung with a few bruises and cracks but none had broken. His hipbones were bruised and had a few cracks on it which explained the pain went he tried to move his legs. The legs themselves only had scratches and bruises, none broken nor cracked.

Honestly, Nightmare expected worse. Thankfully the villagers ceased their attacks and he was able to escape. Now if only he could manage to heal himself. But his magical storage are low with pain and it'll be a while before he could even attempt at healing magic, something he's not good at.

Nightmare sighed and put his head in his knees, his arms wrapped around his legs and pulled up to his chest. Maybe he could take a nap first. Stars knows he needs it.

Nightmare closed his eyes and tried to relax enough to sleep. But for whatever reason, maybe the pain or leftover adrenaline, he couldn't fall asleep. He kept trying but it didn't work and he was left to stay awake bearing the pain of his injuries.


Dream grunted as he pulled himself further up, his skull bumping against a branch. Ouch. Where was Nightmare? He sat down on a branch and closed his eye sockets to try and find his brother's presence. His skull snapped upwards. Nightmare was up there. Almost at the top of the tree, directly above him.

Dream stood up again and quickly got to climbing, slowly approaching the branch where he had felt his brother. His arms were stinging in pain but he clenched his teeth and beared it. Nightmare was in so much more pain. He had to help him!

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