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It had taken a while before Nightmare finally released Killer. He wiped away his tears feeling shameful that he broke down in front of him.

"S-sorry." he apologized. Both for worrying the other and for indirectly hurting him by making him fall from the tree. If Nightmare hadn't climbed that tree, this wouldn't have happened


Killer looked up when the other let go of him and quickly did the same.

"It wasn't your fault." Killer reassured the other.

"Let's go inside?" Killer asked once Nightmare looked presentable again. The others were surely be worrying extremely by now.


Nightmare paused for a second to gain his composure before he nods. He had to come back to HQ.

"Yeah...let's go."


Killer nodded at him and lead the way back to the house, periodically checking if Nightmare was still following him. He didn't want the other to get lost or anything or to walk too fast and leave the other behind.


Nightmare followed Cross wordlessly back into the building their Hideout lies. It was more like a castle or mansion really. They spend almost all their time there so it would make sense to make the place gigantic to fit their needs. That and it was already empty when Nightmare found this AU. All he had to do really is to fix/finish it and add some furniture/accommodations. It was homely yet functional.

Which is why he stood surprised when the normally clean living had been turned into some kind of camp site. Nightmare...isn't sure what he's seeing really. He just stood there surprised and confused. What...even is this?


Killer chuckled when he saw the pillow fort in the living room. That was surely Cross' doing.

As if summoned by that thought Cross poked his skull out of the entrance, grinning at them. Killer had found Nightmare! He didn't have to worry anymore. Cross halted when he saw some residual tears on Nightmare's cheek bone. Nightmare had cried?! He did the only thing he could think of then, stepping towards Nightmare and giving him a hug.

Killer smiled as he saw Cross hug Nightmare and joined in on the embrace, hugging the other too.


Still utterly confused and dumbfounded, Nightmare yelped in surprise- and slight pain due to his still healing injuries- when he was suddenly hit with a black and white missile. The force was enough to knock him back a little but not fall. His middle was gripped in a tight hold but it wasn't constricting nor uncomfortable. It actually felt...nice. It took a second to realize that no, this isn't a fluffy slow missile/bear trap but Cross hugging him.

He didn't get a chance to ask the other- why is Cross hugging him?- when another person slammed into him making him grunt in pain this time. Ow, that stung a bit. Though they didn't mean any harm.


Cross giggled quietly, holding Nightmare slightly closer. They should give him some of the healing gel later...

Dust peeked out of the pillow fort, wondering what all the commotion was about. He had helped Cross build the pillow fort. Nightmare and Killer were back. And they were having a group hug. Without him! That couldn't be. He charged the others and hugged them, knocking them over.


"Oh shit-!" Nightmare cursed as another person joined in and he lost his balance, landing on the floor with a thud dragging the others with him.

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