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Chapter Two | The Flight

The lights were dim, but I was wide awake due to the anticipation and excitement that was brewing inside of me. I lay in bed for a while, smiling slightly to myself at the thought of the day ahead of me. It was going to be great. I knew it.

But my serenity was soon interrupted by my ever-so-slightly hectic mother, who was bustling through the house loudly as she prepared for our flight.

After finally gathering enough strength to drag myself out of bed, I headed downstairs. Getting out of bed was most definitely one of my least favourite things.

"Hey, Mom," I said as I opened the fridge, in search of something to eat for breakfast.

My Mom smiled at me. "You excited for today?" she asked, a look of happiness and anticipation spread across her face.

I tilted my head slightly. "As excited as I can be at six thirty in the morning," I said, snorting slightly.

"Alex!" my Mom chided with a laugh. "Positive thoughts!" she added, a little sarcastic.

After breakfast, I proceeded back upstairs to get ready. I threw on a sweatshirt and some leggings before grabbing my suitcase and carry-on and hauling them downstairs.

"All set?" asked my Mom enthusiastically, clutching her own luggage to her side as she stood at the door.

"Yeah," I answered as I slid on my jean jacket. I'd woken up properly by now, and was sharing the same amount of excitement as my Mom (which was quite a lot, might I add).


I triumphantly slotted myself into the seat beside my Mom, waiting expectantly for the plane to set off. I wasn't the biggest fan of travelling, but knowing where I was heading made it all worthwhile.

I slid my notebook out of my backpack, deciding the four hours I had ahead of me would be useful to write down some more plot ideas. Words cannot begin to explain how mature I felt in that moment. I mean come on, I was doing work stuff!

If I said the four hours I spent on the plane flew by (pun intended), I'd honestly be lying to you. Each minute felt tedious as we sat in our confined seats. But once again, it was all completely worthwhile.

After standing outside the airport for a while, my Mom was finally able to flag down a vacant taxi, instructing the driver where we were heading as we loaded our luggage into the trunk. As we started the journey to our destination, I felt my heart swell. It was really happening. Ugh, what a dream.

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