08 || Off to Square One.

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Yoongi groaned as he leaned against the front of his running car, his arms crossed over his chest impatiently. He tapped his foot, glancing at his wrist watch every two seconds.

Chaeyoung (or Rosie as her friends called her) had told him that she could lead them to Jimin's house here in Seoul to talk to his mom.

Yoongi had been asked to stop at Chaeyoung's house so that the girls could pack. They had planned to pack a bunch of Jimin's stuff once they had reached Jimin's house, along the way, placking some shit of his from his own house. Jonghyun could just borrow some of Yoongi's clothes, should he need it.

With all this packing and stopping, He was impatient and eager to just get on the road.

After what seemed like an eternity to the impatient boys, the girls came out each with a backpack in hand and fashionably dressed. Nothing too fancy but a bit excessive for a rescue mission.

"We're ready!" Lisa yelled as she dramatically stepped out. She reminded Yoongi alot like Jimin's youngest friend, Jungkook. In other words, extra.

"Finally. We were waiting for ages!" Jonghyun groaned, heading for the front seat.

The girls merely giggled, sending the two apologetic glances which the couldn't help but think were cute.

Yoongi stepped into the drivers seat while the girls filled the back of the spacious SUV.

"You need to enter the main road and just follow the signs. That's pretty much it really. I'll let you know when we need to turn and all that jazz to get to Auntie Park's house" Chaeyoung spoke, buckling in her seatbelt before nudging Lisa to do the same.

Yoongi nodded before driving away.

Thank God fridays were half days, it meant that they could spend moretime to search for Jimin. Even if it wasn't, he would still miss out his day of education just so Jimin could be safe and sound.

Yoongi flinched at the though that had just rushed through his mind. Damn, when did I get so cliche? He thought to himself, shrugging it off moments after. After meeting Jimin, I guess. Geez, this boy really brings out new things in me, huh?

With the help of Chaeyoung's directions, Yoongi managed to drive the SUV into the parking lot of a tall apartment building that, although was quite small in size, it looked very luxurious.

"This is where Jimin lives?" Jonghyun asked, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Yep. Follow me, Auntie Park is waiting for us."

She lead the group upto the 7th floor and infront of an apartment door before knocking loudly.

The door opened to reveal a familiar looking aged woman. She looked alot like Jimin, the resemblance was uncanny.

"Rosie! Come in my dear! I see you brought some friends along!"

Chaeyoung nodded and lead the group inside.

"Auntie, you met Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa but these two are friends of Jimin." Rosie said, gesturing the two awkward boys

Ms Park stopped at the mention of her son. "Where is Jimin? I haven't heard a word about him or from him." She said, worry lacing her tone. "Today was a half day and he was supposed to tell me when he leaves school but he never did."

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