13 || Oh dear..

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The group returned to the motel in the early hours of the morning at around 4 or 5 o'clock. Everyone was tired, scared and worried.

"What do we do bout the douche?" Jonghyun asked, pulling into the motel's parking lot.

"Lock him in your bathroom." Yoongi muttered, struggling to get his limping leg out of the car. He managed to get out but nearly dropped to the ground from the lack of support.

"Shit! Yoongi!" Jonghyun called, rushing over to the second oldest but he was beaten by a petite ginger boy.

"I got him Jonghyun. Get Hyunjin and tie him up then lock him in your bathroom. I'll help Hyung." He said, assisting his boyfriend to stand. "And chae, just make sure Lisa gets her wounds cleaned. We don't want infections do we?"

Chaeyoung nodded, partly carrying the maknae while Jennie and Jisoo dragged along behind them. Jonghyun grabbed HyunJin roughly, who was still unconscious, while Jimin helped Yoongi.

The group made it to their rooms, bidding each other good night before doing the things they were required to do.

Yoongi had fallen asleep against the younger causing him to force the second oldest awake.

"Hyung! Wake up! We need to treat your wounds!"

The blue haired boy didn't wake up, but instead groaned out loud. Jimin huffed before tapping his cheeks to think of a plan when it struck him.

"Hyung? Are you not going to wake up?"

The older stayed still, not moving an inch.

"Alright then. You asked for it."

Jimin kissed the blue haired boy, bringing his small hands to tangle in his blue locks.

Yoongi's eyes snapped open but kissed the boy back anyways, loving the softness and gentleness of the younger boy's lips.

Jimin pulled back with a smirk, his eyes crescent moons as he stared down at the 19 year old.

"You awake now?" He teased, tapping his lips.

The older boy grunted, moving his body to a sitting position on the bed. "Whatever. Tease."

Jimin laughed, his cute laugh echoing round the room causing Yoongi to smile back in return.

He assissted the blue haired teen into the bathroom, sitting him down on the closed toilet lid. He grabbed the motel's first aid kit before treating the wounds.

With each wound, he treated it with such care that Yoongi didn't even notice the stinging of the medicine against his open skin. He was too distracted by the orange haired beauty in front of him anyways. (Me too, Yoongs. Me too.)

In a matter of time, all the blood was wiped off, his wounds bandaged and cleaned.

"Done. We're gonna have to get you to hospital as soon as possible."

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