Party To Remember

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My boyfriend is oblivious when it comes to any sort of normal human interaction. This fact is especially present in traditionally social environments.

A party for instance.

It's been a week after I finally confessed to Keith and we started dating. Having not yet told our friends, we decide to reveal it after Shiro's bad-ass house party. You know, while he kicks everyone out and has to deal with our drunk asses.

But the evening doesn't quite go to plan.

During the party, I want to hold Keith's hand. Oh, how desperately I want it. I want us to dance together, hips swaying in unison as the groovy song jumpstarts our young hearts. But we agreed to keep a low profile until the end of the night, so I — being the obedient soul I am — obliged.

Still, I want to dance. But I can't do it alone. I'm weird in that way; shy while by myself, yet bold when with friends or strangers. So I get on the dance floor, aka: Shiro's living room carpet, and scan for a competent partner.

That's when I spot the tall lady. I call her that because, well, what else is there to describe her by? A gorgeous woman, about 6'3 alone and 6'6 in her striking, purple heels, who moves as if the world is watching. Her thick, elegant curls sway to and fro as her shoulders gyrate to the beat.

I stare, mouth agape, for heaven knows how long before she finally notices and pulls me in with a wink and flick of the finger. My eyes dart to the floor as my hand gently rubs the crook of my neck. She wants me to dance with her even though I have no chance of matching her ability. Despite my hesitation, I swallow my pride and make the voyage to her side.

We exchange no pleasantries, only nod in conformation of our silent transaction. The song picks up as I begin to dance. The girl smirks and flips her hair. Time passes and our bodies gradually move closer and closer until we are nearly touching. That's when I hear my name.

I have only a split second to process before I feel someone tackle me from behind. The girl moves out of the way as me and Keith collapse to the ground, Keith's heavy body slamming against my feeble limbs.

All talking ceases. Only the radio is left to fill the eerie silence as all attention turns to me and Keith. From behind a cluster of people on the dance floor, I can see Shiro, his mouth agape.

Keith lifts himself off me, my legs straddled between his and my shoulders pinned by his hands.

"Keith? What are you—"

"Who is that girl?" Keith demands.

I look at him blankly for a moment, then begin to chuckle.

Keith's eyes widen as the realization of what he'd done sinks in. "Lance, I'm so sorry, I... are you crying?"

I snort, weeping tears of joy. "Keith, you're too cute," I manage between my loud outbursts of laughter, "Did you get jealous over me?"

"I... I saw you two together and I couldn't help myself," Keith hangs his head, his ears as red as his jacket.

"Keith, I'll always be yours and you'll always be mine. There's nothing and nobody that can change that."

That's when I lift my head, filling the gap between my face and his, and planting a kiss on his lips. I hear aweing and giggling all around us as I struggle to kiss through my grin.

When me and Keith part, I look up at the woman who's fingers drag through her hair. When she meets my eye, she smiles and lets out a chuckle. "That's one hell of a boyfriend you got there, babe. Do yourself a favor and don't lose him."

"Holy shit!" A high pitched yell comes from behind, "I fucking knew it! Hunk, Shiro, I told you guys!"

Me and Keith look back at Pidge and glare. Were we really that obvious? Hunk, Shiro, and Allura join Pidge at her side, sinister grins plastered to each one of their faces.

I look back at Keith and softly pinch his shoulder to grab his attention. His focus shoots back to me, his face now enveloped in a deep crimson. "I guess that's one way to come out," I joke, tucking one of Keith's loose strands of hair behind his ear.

Keith lets his cheek rest against my hand, heaving a deep sigh, "At least this'll be a party to remember."

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