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I used the machine for him. I'd found the way to bring him back. It was accidental, impulsive, but the fact that I'd followed my heart gave him the chance he needed. In the end, I agreed with him... this cyborg body was the only way he could be alive.

And because of him, the plan to save the entire Province was tweaked. Why save just the citizens, when you can save the Codes, too? Someone had to make up for broken promises. Why not us, the members of Peace? When Erica said she'd already studied the remote I'd used and made plans to replicate the machine, I was excited. I felt like I'd done right to use it and do what Roger felt like he couldn't do.

Help everyone.

I wanted to help everyone.

But first, as Erica reminded me, I needed to help myself.

After an hour, I passed Erica's all clear for moving tests. That's when I was allowed to take a bath, eat and change out of those horrible clinic clothes. With the way things had been since the Takeover, being escorted to do such simple things didn't bother me inside Peace. Except, I'd passed far too many people walking through the halls, and my curiosity rose as I moved from one room to another.

The moment I'd changed in my room and stepped out, I looked at Erica, who stood outside my door. She smiled and looked at me, but I didn't look at her. I looked past her, at the group of people at the end of the hall. They were with Roger and Matthews; the woman who'd popped into my clinic room earlier stood with them, too. Standing on the tips of my toes did nothing for me, because three people moved in the way, coming down the hall.

"Erica," I muttered, craning my head, "what am I missing?"

She shrugged and followed my eyes. "We said a lot has changed since you've been out."

Dropping back down on my heels, I glanced at her. "Like?" I bit my lip. "More than Roger's change? Who are these people?"

"Peace." She lifted her brows. "Remember, we had more members out in other states than here in New Chicago."

"Okay?" I turned around and watched the trio that passed. A man led the way between them, hair combed back on his shoulders, arms folded behind him. He had a presence I didn't like, but he was here, which meant he was a good guy, right? "But... why are they all here?"

Erica pressed her lips up to her nose as she watched the same man. He looked back at us once, and that presence I felt as he passed glowed like darkness in his eyes. Then, he smiled, and I cringed.

"War, Clara," she said.

I stopped thinking, panning my gaze back at her. "War?"

"Yeah." She kicked her foot off the door to stand next to me. "It's outside, it's everywhere. Hosts started attacking, so we needed reinforcements."

I'd made Zara that angry, huh?

"Oh." The man and his better halves were gone by the time I turned to look at him again. "So... we called for every member to travel up this way?"

"To fight for the living and the dead, yes." Erica gave me her weakest smile, but I liked how she put it. Living and dead; humans and Codes. "They got here a few days ago, and Roger has been showing them the ropes. I just hope it gets settled soon, so I can test the main machine to get our plan in order."

The plan to restore every Code—that much I knew. But... "What's Roger showing them?"

I turned around to look back where he'd stood and found him alone; his group was gone. He had his hands in his pockets, head down, gaze stuck on the floor. He bounced his weight slightly back and forth on his feet as he mumbled to himself, and I narrowed my eyes, trying to hear what it was he said. A part of me hoped I could still hear him in my head, but I couldn't; the silence was unnerving.

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