
21 11 14

I am sitting on the bed, trying to seem cool with this situation. Truth is that I'm not. I'm terrified by what happened last night. I have little to no control over my powers and my life is getting more like a mess than the perfect little life I've been planning for myself. Kazuki is still processing what I said, trying to remember.

"That's what you call usual? Oh, Riya! I'm so sorry! And what do you mean by new power? Isn't there a limit for this?"

"How should I know? Anyhoo, let's go talk to your grandparents."

After I tell them the story about last night, they started to freak out a little.

"Another power? Oh no, dear, your blood is too powerfull. You'll be hunted down like a little mouse if you don't learn how to fight properly."

"Yes, you stay here and train with Kazuki as we go to the head of your clan and ask for some protection for your coming."

Today I'm alone with Kazu, or at least that's what it looks like. Neither of us doesn't know what to say so we try to keep it simple. He proposes we do some 1 on 1 fight so I'll be prepared.

I'm the one who attacks first with some earth balls but of course he dodges them. He sends back some water stakes towards me but he redirects them so they only scratch my skin. As the night comes I'm getting better and better. My attacks and my defense are both improving. I even manage to hit Kazuki a few time.

After I take a shower I go and sit next to Kazu on the veranda. I am extremely tired and.... hungry.

"Riya, are you okay? You're a little pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy I guess"

"Probably because of the training. You're getting better and better"

Just when he finishes I fall on my back, unable to move and my consciousness fades.


I open my eyes, it seems like I'm in our room. He probably bought me here. I feel a strange taste in my mouth, the hunger is still here. Now that I think about this I know why the food tastes so bad. My mom wrote this on the first page, from now on I'll have to live on blood. There's no way I'll put blood in my mouth again. Even though I'm so hungry....

Kazuki enters the room with a very worried look.

"You're awake!! Don't ever do that again!"

"Yes, sorry, but it not really my fault."

" I know. Most likely it's mine. While you passed out, I went through the notebook your mother left and it looks like you need blood. I always thought that it was a myth, but here" he says flexing him arm, for me to take blood from his wrist.

"it's no one's fault. Let's just get a dead animal or something."

"don't be childish. Eat up."

"No!"I say and the lights flicker.

He pushes me on the bed and gets on top of me. He smirks before kissing me. I give in to the kiss as my lips part a little. He opens my mouth more and a sweet liquid flows into my mouth. This is... blood? With a high speed I change places with him a look in his eyes. His hair was messy and he still has this perfect smile on his face. I got close to his face, let a small grin escape on my lips then kiss him again more passionately. Bitting his lips I drink his blood, I get down and down, starting from his neck until the bottom of his abdomen, my hand playing on his body freely. He takes my face between his palms and kisses me one more time before.....

(haha, what did you expect? If you wanna know the pervy stuff of this part message me-×××ch IV.3)

When morning came I was feeling a lot better. Kazuki is still asleep so I go to prepare for today's training. I enter  the bathroom and I decide to change in a t-shirt and some jumper. I still can't belive what I did yesterday. We did. I am putting my t-shirt on when someone enters the room. More exactly a sleepy Kazu, shirtless and with loosen boxer shorts so he's v line is completely showing.

"Waahh. Get out!" I say as I flushed ten shades of red.

He suddenly opens his eyes like he just woke up. He turns his head to the side, embarrassed, but doesn't get out of the room.

"Lock the door next time you wanna change!" he says.

Then he looks at me like an idea comes to his mind. He approaches fast and picks me up. He kisses me and spins me like a little child around the room. We laugh as he puts me down again.

I didn't know he had this sweet side. He changes while I go and prepare breakfast for him. I was alone most of my life so I can cook pretty good.

"You're cooking skills are amazing!" he says after he takes a bite.

"Haha, thank you. Now eat up, big day ahead."

"Yes yes. You'd better start stretching or do you wanna eat first?"

"I think I've had enough last night."

"Hmm. Maybe you'd want to repet the experience.."he starts saying but I stuff some rice in his mouth before he gets to say anything else.

I go outside and start playing with the snow. It is easier, probably because of Kazu's blood. I attempt to make a dragon, but it was nothing to grand, just a small cute dragon. Kazuki surprises me and comes to hug me from the back.

"Let me show you something cool."he says taking my hand in his.

He is now manipulating the dragon. He presses the snow together forming solid ice and making the dragon a lot bigger than before. It comes under us and takes us in the air. The view was marvelous, you can see the whole town from here. I am enjoying this view so much, especially because I never get to see such beautiful things. The tears are forming on the corners of my eyes. Kazuki spins me around so I face him now.

He smiles gently then gets a small black velvet box with golden decorations. He opens it to revel a gorgeous white gold ring. It had a jewel in the middle, which had a strange separation in six parts. The first one was bloody red with the symbol 火-fire, the next one was a clear dark blue like his eyes with 水-water in the middle, then it was a greenish brown 土-earth, after it was a sparkling light yellow 光-light, a gray white 空気-air and the last one was a deep black with some violet tints 闇- darkness.

The ring is amazing... But wait is this a proposal? What? I'm too young to get married!

"This is a promise ring. That you'll be next to me forever. And if ever we part, we'll find each other again."

I nodded slowly, completely mesmerized by his words. He looks at me for a moment, then puts the ring on my finger.

"I can't belive you're with me from now on."

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