chapter 16

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"oh hi" a male voice said walking in the room.

my moms doctor.

i didn't say anything and cameron went to go call someone.

"i'm here to take her to surgery." he said.

"what's wrong with her" i said.

"she had a bleeding ulcer and it caused her lung to collapse" he explained.

"oh, god" i said and cried.

"she's going to be just fine" he assured me.

i nodded and they took her away.

we walked in the waiting room and i saw nate, jack, mason, and my dad all walk in and over to me.

"hey" my dad said hugging me. "how is she?"

"going to surgery. he said she would be okay" i said.

"that's great" my dad said.

i hugged my brothers and nate and then sat down.

nate stayed with me, held my hand, he didn't say anything, he was just here and i was so happy he was.

i sat there with my head on him.

my phone started going off, i was reading everything that popped up as it popped up.

alex: ur mom is missing
alex: why do u hate me now
alex: is it wrong for me to have feelings for you?
alex: can't help who i fall in love with

maria: where is your mom? did she visit?
maria: call me???

then i thought about my grandma.

the woman who basically raised me you could say.

my mom was at work a lot trying to get money so we could have a place to live.

so i stayed with my grandma most of the time.

she knows i'm here but she doesn't know mom is.

i need to call her, like now.

"i, uh, i need to um, i need to call someone" i said softly and stood up walking out the waiting room.

i dialed her number.

"maní!" she said in such a happy voice.

she has called me peanut since i was three.

"hey, abuela" i smiled lightly at her voice because i missed her.
hey grandma

"¿por qué lloras, peanut?" she asked me.
awh, peanut, why are you crying?

she always knew.

"abuela" i said but stopped because i was starting to let myself cry again.

"annalyse..?" she said slowly.

"mamá vino aquí por uh. para rehabilitación porque papá queeía que ella mejorara y ella tiene un pulmón colapsado ahora y una úlcera sangrante en ella, en su uh estómago y ella está en su cirugía en este momento y estoy realmente asustado. y realmente quería hablar con usted y decirle porque usted debe saber" i said but by this point i was crying.

mom came here for uh, for rehab because dad wanted her to get better and she has a collapsed lung now and a bleeding ulcer in her, in her uh stomach and she's in surgery right now and i'm really scared. and i really wanted to talk to you and tell you, because you should know

"voy a estar allí pronto" she said softly and the line went dead
i will be there soon

i just sat there crying.

doctors lie all the time, maybe she won't be okay, but she needs to be. she did this to herself but she doesn't deserve this at all.

i walked back in the waiting room and sat next to nate again.

"you okay?" he whispered.

"do i look okay?" i asked him.

he didn't say anything else.

that's what i thought boy.


my eyes were closed, i wasn't sleeping, just resting before i get to see my mom.

(i don't remember if i gave her mom a name or not so i'm just putting something)

"samantha robbins" a lady said but she had bad news.

i stood up.

"i'm her daughter" i said.

"we did everything we could but because of her intake of alcohol over the years, she held out on the table and i'm so sorry" she said.

does this mean.

"she's dead?" i asked.


"can you please say it?" i asked her.

"you're mom is dead" she spoke.

"oh, god" i cried out, i was sobbing.

she walked away saying sorry again.

"would you like to see her?" the woman came back and i nodded.

she lead me to her room.

i walked to her bed.

"oh mom, i should've called dad when i was fifteen instead of trying to do it on my own because look at you, you're dead and i could've helped you, i love you, i love you so much. and i'm so sorry i moved in with dad" i cried out.

"you're sorry?" cameron walked in.

i turned to him.

"it was a bad idea, i don't fit in here like you, im not half american like you are, im full cuban and i don't belong here, i belong there, i could have saved her. this is my fault" i said.

"it's not your fault" he said coming closer.

"it is my fault because when i was fifteen i thought i could her, she didn't need a spealist because i could do it " i said.

"oh s annalyse" he said and pulled me in his arms.

i just cried in his arms.

i'm so scared to move, scared to feel anything, im scared to move on with my life and smile because she won't be here to see any of it and that really sucks.

i need her here because she's raised me and i want her to be here.

"she's gone" i whispered pulling away and looking at her.

"annalyse" a spanish voice said.

i turned and saw alex, maria and my grandma. they all came.

"estaban aquí" maria said.

i ran over and hugged them each.

i hugged alex for longer because his hugs made me feel better always.

i pulled away. "solo necesito estar a solas con ella" i said.

they nodded understanding and they left.

my grandma stayed.

"i'll give you a minute" cameron said and left the room.

"oh maní, luchó tan duro y esto es lo que recibe a cambio" my grandma said putting her arm around me and hugging me.
oh peanut, she fought so hard and this is what she gets in return

"Lo sé" i whispered.
i know

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