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        One ring... two rings... pick up dammit! I dismissed myself into the hot summer tide smacking at my face. Two months of this summer paradise felt like heaven as it fried my skin like a sunny side up egg. Crisp and golden sunlight blared me in a well-needed sunbath, hair glowing from tip to root and showing off its breathtaking crimson. The cold winters made me a pale white, two rosy cheeks were the last bit of pigmentation my skin managed to hang onto. My body was hugged in tight jeans, jean jacket hanging from my shoulders, flashy white T-shirt on. The jean-on-jean combo was something I was known for, especially with the tucked in band shirts. I looked... stable. 

                                             I felt... stable-er. 

                                                                          My mind... was a fat turd.

        Conner picked up, my heart raced on. Luckily he couldn't see how red my face has gotten. Be it sunburns or sheer embarrassment for nearly walking into the mud with converse on, I was beet-red. Sadly, he couldn't see how cute I was, or how perky my speed walk was, or how delicately my hips swayed in those jeans... gotta love skinny jeans. I stumbled on my words almost as much as my feet. My lungs puffed, stuffed with all those nasty allergins. I began to think I had asthma again as I struggled to catch my breath, he must think I'm jogging. Deep breaths, deep breaths into the phone. He asks if I'm alright, I must sound like a panting dog or a thirsty bitch.

        "Yeah, just trying to run away from my life y'no. Damn these legs," I mock myself finally stopping at a curb to truly choke down my breathing. I was also talking to a boy, How long has it been Chloe? Too long. Conner's chuckle stole both my lungs and suddenly I was giggling too, didn't help in the case of needing to breathe. "Can I please have my lungs back you're killing me." It sounded like I was actually choking. I forgot how to breathe. He kept on chuckling. Boys chuckling does horrible things to me. I sunk to the curb.

       "Sounds like you might need CPR. A-are you okay?" Conner's voice crackled through the phone, slightly nervous. Damn CPR from him? Maybe a little choking was worth it. I felt that good kind of awkward that put on a show for anyone watching. I probably looked like a kitten playing with the lace of its shoe crouched over like I was. My stupid laces came undone every time I knotted them. Man, I'm a hot mess. I'm still on the ground when I remember I have gone completely silent, disappearing under and finally breaching for a little air like a whale. I gasped, maybe almost too loudly as I hear Conner physically jerk from the other end. From his end, it sounded like he jumped ten feet and crashed with a loud thump followed by a very quiet squeak. He goes silent as I choke. I'd finally forced some air back in, gasping like a fish at the water, might've sounded more like a dying gasp to him. He asks if I'm alright for the umpteenth time, instead of red my face pulsed blue. I manage to swallow down more air and shakily ensure that I haven't died.

        "I told you I needed my lungs," I heave, finally noticing a pedestrian hesitantly walking towards me with deep concern. My heart still fluttered like the beat of butterfly wings. I was in one piece as I dusted myself off and gave a little smile, dipping my head in greeting hoping he didn't witness all of that. The man definitely did. More silence as the stranger stared at me, Conner gently musing on the other end.

      "Are you alright?" The stranger's voice is gruff, sounds like he's smoked a few. Tobacco hangs on his breath, the smell still made me want to hurl. I swear he was some kid that went to my high school, looked no older than sixteen. I blinked a few times, I think Conner might've heard them batting in surprise.

     "D-do I know you?" I ask. Conner is getting a bite out of our conversation, his end fuzzes into silence just to get the whole cake. The thing is I'm the least bit attracted to the human before me so he doesn't have to worry. He's skimpy, smelled like tobacco to the point where I had to hold my breath again. His hair was matted, bore a few dreadlocks... the oddest bit familiar. There was something else about him, his pupils were dilated.

    "I think I might know you. The Names Tyler Dean! Do you go to Rosevelt high school?" Tyler puts this emphasis on high, god he thinks half of the school's students are dopers, I wonder what half he belongs to. Wow, someone knew me from that dumpy school? I thought I was practically invisible... somethings definitely up. Conner might've gasped, I say might've because Tyler keeps rambling,

     "Of course you do. Look at you, you're a fine, well-educated piece of pie! They say that math equation goes on forever, how many times can I have a piece of you?" Tyler flirts. I instantly cringe back. Is this his game? I think I might just have a chance at topping him with a ball crusher. Now it sounds like Conner's hacking up a lung. I have to yank at my earbuds and turn down the volume just to keep my face at its cool primrose, not even wearing my smile. I almost looked pissed, a lukewarm pissed.

           "You can have nada, zilch, zero. I see it now, you're that half of students that sit on their asses all day like total hippies and share bongs." I drop the words like a mic and shot out of there, firing my ammo back over my shoulder just to let it all sink in. I should've finger snapped, mouth pop will do as I turned to leave. Damn, who would've known Chloe could be such a badass? As I look back at the trail of dust I left behind Tyler is slack-jawed. He's totally baffled, and Conner is too, I'm calling the mans bluff. Conner's end rustles, nothing but rolling along the floor with laughter. I, for once in my life felt redemption. I'm absolutely amazed that I actually did something like that! Who would've thought Miss Chloe T. took after her father? My father who was on top of the game, spit all fire and wit... I guess I had his genes. Blazing all guns and heat I out-shun the sun, continuing my hustle down to the park, Conner rightfully at my fingertips.

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