Unwelcome plans

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Chapter 3

It had been almost two weeks since Valentine had caught Jace with Clary on her balcony and banished him from the Morgenstern property. They had managed to sneak around some to see each other a few times, but it seemed like each time they tried it was trickier and trickier. The first time Jace had managed to sneak on the property long enough to through a rock with a message tied around it onto Clary's balcony, the paper had had a place and time to meet him. After that they made plans for the next time before they went their separate ways. It had been three days since the last time Clary had seen Jace, which had been in town when she had been sent to the market with her friend Simon Lewis. What really made Clary so anxious was the fact that they hadn't been able to set their next meeting and Clary had no way to get in contact with Jace and she had no idea how he would get in contact with her. Especially since Valentine had more guards around the place.

Clary was nervous as she made her way down the stairs. Jocelyn had come to her room an hour ago and told her that her father wanted to talk to her, she hadn't said why or what about. This made Clary's mind race as she replayed every meeting she had had with Jace, reliving every moment as she tried to think of anything that could have led to her father learning about her secret relationship with Jace.

Reaching the main floor, Clary smoothed the skirt of her light blue satin dress she wore, she had dressed up some hoping it would please her father in case he had indeed learned about Jace. She had even piled her unruly hair on top of her head. With a deep breath she walked towards the sitting room where the normally held company. As Clary neared the entrance she was surprised to hear another male voice besides her father's, Clary's uneasiness increased a little.

"Father," Clary said as she entered the room. Her father looked around the person her was talking to, a man who had his back to her, and looked at her with a pleased looked.

"Clarissa, dear, this is Sebastian Verlac," Valentine said almost enthusiastically as he put his hand on the guests shoulder and smiled. Clary's defenses went up immediately at her father's happy demeanor.

The man turned around after Valentine had introduced him and smiled at Clary. He had very pale blond hair, it was even lighter than Jace's golden hair, extremely dark eyes, almost an onyx color, and he had an athletic tall built. But he was a shadowhunter, so of course he was in good shape.

"Sebastian, this is my daughter, Clarissa." Valentine continued.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Clary said sweetly, not liking either of the men's smiles.

"The pleasure is all mine, Clarissa," Sebastian said stepping forward, grabbing her hand as he bowed, and kissing it gently. He then proceeded to look up with a smile before righting himself. Clary did not like this at all; she looked at her Valentine hoping for an explanation.

"The Verlacs and Morgensterns have been close to each other for generations. Sebastian here was just stopping by on his way home from the city. His parents have been kind enough to invite us to a ball at the end of the month." Valentine said. Clary didn't believe him at all, at least not the part about Sebastian stopping to invite them to a ball, that's why you hired a messenger.

"How lovely," Clary said with a smile, knowing it was expected of her.

"Yes, my father has been meaning to come over himself, but she has been very busy lately and he thought it would be nice if I stopped by on my way back home."

Clary refrained herself from snorting at Sebastian's continued explanation and kept the smile on her face.

"Well, I have a few errands I need to run," Valentine said cheerfully and Clary relaxed a little. "Why don't I leave you two to get better acquainted, I should be back soon."

Clary's relief disappeared and she snapped her head at her father as he left the room, still smiling. The shock was quickly replaced by anger, but Clary kept it in check and continued to smile.

"Your father had tea delivered right before you came, it should still be warm." Sebastian said as he walked over to a simple glass table was located by the bay windows, which were open to let in the cool breeze. He pulled out a chair for Clary and then took a seat across from her. Clary was almost surprise at how calm she had become as she poured Sebastian and herself a cup of tea from the delicate white China tea pot into blue painted China tea cups, along with the tea there was also a plate a finger sandwiches. Clary wanted to die. And kill her father.

Sebastian had his right elbow on the table and was leaning to the side a little with an amused look on his face, Clary wanted to slap it off of him. He then started up a conversation and Clary replied and kept her voice sweet and a smile on her face.

"Nice to see that you two are getting along so well." Clary jumped a little at the sound of her father's voice behind her. "Clarissa, would you please excuse us, I still have some business to talk about with young Sebastian here."

Clary nodded as Sebastian got up and followed Valentine outside through the bay doors into the garden that was located there. Silently, Clary stood up and followed them at a distance. Her father stopped at a part of the garden where there was a stone table with stone benches on both sides and took a seat, Sebastian followed suit. Clary bent over as she crept behind the bushes and stopped once she could hear what was being sat. Careful to not make a sound she crouched down so that she could stare through the branches and leaves of the bush.

"What do you think," Valentine said his voice a bit hopeful.

"I think she is a very lovely girl," Sebastian said, still wearing that infuriating smirk of his.

"Your father and I thought you would like her. It was such a shame you didn't get to be properly introduced to her at her birthday."

"It was fine; I did get to dance with her several times."

Clary was starting to tense at the conversation.

"So you agree then?" Valentine asked almost sounding hopeful.

"Yes, I agree. I am sure my father will be very pleased with the dowry we have agreed on."

"Yes, well, if he would like to discuss anything he is welcomed to come over or I would be willing to go over to your house."

"I'm sure he won't. My father respects you very much."

"Then it is all set. I will inform my wife and we will tell Clarissa the good news." Valentine said standing up and shaking hands with Sebastian, as if he had just settled a business deal.

"I'm glad you took the time to stop by."

"My parents thought it would be better to meet Clarissa before the ball. That way we would at least be acquainted with each other a little, especially since I am pretty sure my mother will turn it into an engagement celebration." Sebastian said with a smile.

"Knowing your mother, it is very likely. I'll go get the stable boy to saddle your horse back up." Valentine said as they started to walk back towards the patio and then towards the stables.

Clary collapsed onto the ground and leaned on a nearby tree. She couldn't believe what she had just overheard. For a few seconds she was shocked at the idea of her father, but that soon turned to rage that was just added to the anger that she had earlier kept pent up. How dare her father just marry her off to some random stranger, and discuss it as if she was a piece of land or livestock that was being bought. Once Clary could think more clearly she stood up and made her way back inside, she then sprinted towards her bedroom and through herself onto her bed.

It took her several minutes to notice the little parcel that was lying on her desk. Once she did she rushed over to it and her heart leaped, knowing that it had to be from Jace.

P.S. I decided to have use Sebastian Verlac's name and Jonathan Morgenstern's identity to make a kind of Paris character. Hope you liked it!

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Where stories live. Discover now