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Kiya began to look at the corpses that had been spread out throughout the forest, He then kneeled down to look at Diah's unconscious body and let out a sigh. " The majority of the victims weren't killed by the horned girl here, she must have been serving as a distraction for her accomplice..." He explained, turning back to the prince as he began to ponder the entire situation.

" We should get a move on then, Athos seems to be more intelligent than I had anticipated..." Telence sighed, walking away from the crime scene.

" What do we do with the girl? " He continued, looking back at the burned body.

" Leave her there to die, it would be too much of an honor to put her out of her misery..." Kiya stated, spitting upon the horned female and exiting with his horse.

Hottan smiled as the morning came, He was ready for his new lesson, and kind of excited for it. If the Dragon Hybrid was to have a chance against one of the mightiest heroes, he would have to have a trick or two up his sleeve. " Lesson Number 1 Of Magic, while all magic is different and takes many shapes and forms depending upon the user, the most important rule of studying magic is that at the time, magic is the most important thing in your life " Jona explained, raising her finger upwards.

" How am I supposed to do that, I've never even experienced magic before..how am I supposed to make it important?! " Hottan Thought To Himself, his eyes widened with confusion.

A injured female began to walk up to them. " May I have some water...I've been without some for quite some time now..." She said, limping towards them.

" Sure, have my canteen " Jona said, covering her face with her hood before the stranger was close enough to approach them, to keep her identity secret.

" Really! Thank you so much! " The stranger exclaimed in joy, drinking the water at a rapid rate, only to begin to choke and spit it out again.

" Hold your horses there, you don't want to get yourself killed now do you? " Hottan joked, smiling.

" If Death is what you're implying, I don't think the person you should be concerned with is me " The stranger giggled, smirking.

A grimace formed on Hottan after that sentence, the oddly sweet and innocent tone she said that in made him uncomfortable to no end. The mage then pointed out her finger to the fire, and with the sudden movement, she pointed towards the female. " SHE'S AN ENEMY! " She shouted, firing a purple beam of energy from her finger tips, which hit her in the leg, stunning her.

" Dammit...it looks like they figured me out...might as well play dead while I'm at it..." The stranger thought, falling on the ground and playing possum.

Two figures began to walk towards the mage and her companion, one of them wrapped herself in a cloak to disguise herself. " Nobody messes with the Fonica family! " Sobera, the oldest of the sisters shouted, water suddenly shooting out of her palms at a fast rate, causing Jona to crash into a nearby tree.

" You take care of the mage, the boy is mine to deal with..." The cloaked figure stated, charging towards Hottan and jumping in the air.

" Dammit..." Hottan said, as the figure suddenly dashed towards him.

The hybrid managed to grab his shield at the last moment, blocking the attack somewhat, but still causing him to fall back to his horse. However, the female simply bounced off the shield again, and lunged towards the warrior once more. Hottan side-stepped, causing his attacker to land on the ground, and not him. " You're smarter than I had anticipated, the others I've killed were a bunch of fools with weapons, yet here you are, a man with no weapon, being more clever than those with weapons..." The cloaked female complimented, only to charge towards the man again, hoping to deliver a kick to knock him off his feet.

The black haired male charged forward instinctively, only to have the wind knocked out of him by a kick to his stomach, which sent him crashing into the earthy soil around them. " D-Dammit...." Hottan said, reaching for his shield, only to have his hand be crushed by the woman's foot.

" You two made a fool of me before...but now you'll know my true strength..." She said, removing her cloak to reveal herself.

" That horned devil! " Hottan shouted, as the cloaked figure was none other than Diah.

" Knowing my name won't matter in a few seconds.." She replied, jumping into the air, and getting ready to impale her latest victim.

" I can't die here...not now...not after everything I haven't done..." Hottan Thought To Himself, freezing up in fear as his eyes widened at his fate.

However, a sword began to materialize in his hand, and he quickly delivered a swift slash to his opponent. Diah fell to the ground, covering the wound in her chest as she coughed blood, as much as Hottan would like to finish her, escaping was the better option. The hybrid dashed towards the undefeated Fonica, and performed same attack to her. " Lets go! We haven't much time before they recover! " Hottan shouted, getting on his horse and riding off, deeper into the forest.

Jona did the same, laying down on her horse in her injured state, and looking upon her injuries. " If you didn't come any sooner, she would have ripped the skin right off of my body with her aquakinesis..." Jona stated, rubbing her head in pain.

" Sir, we would like to report a murder that has occurred recently " A cloaked Sobera stated, her disguised sisters behind her.

" Go on " Kiya stated, looking down at the trio from his horse.

" We have suspected Hottan of a recent murder, we found one of his swords near a bloodied up victim " Sobera continued, holding out a sword to Kiya.

" Hmmm...this is Hottan's sword, I have no choice but to kill him then " The man of justice replied, no remorse in his voice as his horse clopped away.

" He was actually making a break for it, you might catch up if you hurry..." The eldest Fonica added, pointing towards Hottan's direction.

" It looks like the executioner must lay his sword down swiftly..." Kiya uttered, charging towards the Dragon Hybrid's direction.

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